4 Tips for Minimizing Detox Side Effects and a Healing Crisis

Many people have this wonderful idea of how a detox will feel—they imagine they will feel light, energetic, and generally amazing. After all, the detox is all about getting rid of the bad stuff, right? While it’s true that a detox is designed to rid your body of harmful toxins and “bad stuff,” it isn’t always fun for everyone – at least during the detox process. Although the end result can feel amazing, the process of detoxing can come with some rough side effects due to the exiting of toxic waste. We call this a “healing crisis.” But there are measures to take to reduce detox side effects and lessen the healing crisis.
When you detox, your body is purging itself of impurities. You’ve been walking around with toxins from the air, your food, medications, and more, for who-knows how long. Your body is used to it—this is it’s “normal”. When you disrupt the normal, toxic state, you are bound to feel some not-so-great effects, many of which are due to the toxins being released into the bloodstream and digestive system, before they are expelled from the body.
There are several things you can do to reduce the negative feelings associated with detoxing.
Reducing Detox Side Effects and Lessening a Healing Crisis – 1. Stay Hydrated
Staying hydrated is perhaps the most important tip for minimizing detox side effects during any detoxification protocol or fast. Fresh juices, green tea, or plain, filtered water should be your best friends. Flushing out the toxins is priority number one when detoxing and you can only do this when you are sufficiently hydrated. Because you may be taking something to help rid yourself of these toxins (i.e. expelling more waste than usual), rehydration is particularly important.
2. Shift into the Detox, Altering Your Diet Before Beginning
Ease into your detox. If you are used to several cups of coffee in the morning and fast food for lunch, your body won’t know how to react to a complete elimination of these things. Wean yourself off of caffeine and processed foods as you go into your detox. This can reduce the occurrence of headaches and other withdrawal symptoms.
3. Get Plenty of Rest
While detoxing, be sure to get plenty of rest and to not over-exert yourself. As your body is adjusting to the change, it’s not the time to be running all over the place, engaging in strenuous activity, or keeping your stress level on high. Take the time to cleanse your mind while you’re cleansing your body. Get plenty of sleep, rest, and use meditation or other relaxation techniques.
4. Consume Deep-Colored Vegetables and Certain Fruit
While some people equate a detox with a fast, the two aren’t synonymous. Unless you are fasting, you may need to eat more to relieve some of your symptoms. Remember, however, to stick with detoxing foods like fresh fruit, leafy green vegetables, and seeds. Cilantro, parsley, alfalfa, and a blue-green algae, chlorella, are three extremely powerful chemical and
In addition to these suggestions, look into herbal healing. Ginger tea, for example can calm an upset stomach while rosemary can be good for headaches.
Your body has had a lot of time to accumulate these toxins-ridding yourself of them won’t necessarily be painless. But, when the detox is over, you will reap the many benefits of a healthier, toxin-free body.
For actually how to detox, check out this article outlining 4 ways on how to cleanse your body, or simply search the site with the keyword “detox.”