1. blank DrGreenThumb says:

    A story of a child overcoming a serious illness is always good news. I am also a supporter of medical marijuana. From the evidence I have seen, it absolutely has medical benefits. However, this story is highly anecdotal. I worry that such miracle stories may give false hope to people, or worse may cause people to shun effective treatments. It’s irresponsible of the author to not point out that this story, which is a happy and feel good story, is not evidence of the effectiveness of marijuana to treat acute lymphocytic leukemia. Maybe marijuana can treat ALL, but that cannot be concluded based on this story.

    1. blank James Peters says:

      Isn’t ‘medical marijuana’ just the individual states way of legalizing pot, but without admitting this?. Real medicine is prescribed by a doctor and has been through phase I-III trials

      1. blank DrGreenThumb says:

        Marijuana is useful for treating chronic pain and can sometimes replace opiates, thereby acting as a harm reduction therapy. I am skepical of claims beyond this as, like you said, the evidence isn’t quiet there yet.

        1. blank Charles Mayer says:

          Yes it is….. Do your research

          1. blank James Peters says:

            Care to cite some of the studies which prove all this?

          2. blank Charles Mayer says:

            The admin topk down the study citations… Nothing like big brother

      2. blank dhartley231 . says:

        James Peters that is not a good reply there is no trials Big pharma pushes drugs through without trials . Big pharmas drugs make the condition worse not better and the side effects terrible.

        1. blank James Peters says:

          There are many cannabinoid based pharma companies conducting trials as we speak, like GW Pharma. No drug company intentionally makes drugs to make the condition worse, sadly however for some people then there are side-effects from the medication

  2. blank lifeisgood says:

    Cannabis has been banned without the govts really knowing its benefits

  3. blank briteleaf says:

    It’s a crime that patients can’t stop by Wallgreens and pick up a prescription of medical marijuana.

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