Study: 3-4 Cups of Coffee Per Day may cut Type 2 Diabetes Risk

Good news about coffee is always exciting, so here’s a bit more: scientists have linked drinking 3-4 cups a coffee a day to a decreased risk for Type 2 diabetes.
Or maybe we should say that scientists have once more linked drinking coffee to a decreased risk for Type 2 diabetes, because this isn’t the first time researchers have reached that conclusion.
In April, a study published in the journal Nature found that “habitual” coffee drinkers who consume more than 1.5 cups of coffee a day cut their risk of developing the disease over a 10-day period by more than half.
And a 2014 study published in Diabetes Care found that coffee drinkers who consumed a single cup of coffee a day cut their relative diabetes risk by 92%. Those who drank 3 cups a day cut their risk by 79%, and the biggest coffee lovers – those who drank 6 cups a day – reduced their risk by 67%.
For the newest study, researchers from Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark, looked at the effects of a number of compounds, including cafestol and caffeic acid, both of which increased insulin secretion when glucose was added. Cafestol was found to increase glucose uptake in muscle cells, matching the levels of a currently prescribed anti-diabetes drug. [1]
Other compounds like contribute to coffee’s health benefits, Soren Gregersen from the Department of Endocrinology and Internal Medicine noted in the Journal of Natural Products, because coffee filters eliminate a significant amount of the cafestol in drip coffee. [2]
In Type 2 diabetes, the body does not use insulin properly (insulin resistance). The pancreas initially makes more insulin to make up for the deficit, but eventually this organ can’t keep up with the demand and can’t make enough insulin to maintain healthy glucose levels.
And while coffee may prevent diabetes and offers numerous other health benefits, loading it up with sugar and flavored coffee creamers negates its power to regulate blood sugar. Having a couple of GMO-filled, sugar-laden specialty coffee drinks at Starbucks won’t cut it.
If you can’t stomach black coffee but you want to reap its benefits, Stevia is a great sweetener. Some studies have suggested it could help prevent and reverse diabetes, but make sure you get the all-natural kind.
And you can always spice up your java with healthy spices like cinnamon (stabilizes blood sugar, helps improve LDL (bad) cholesterol and is a good source of vitamin K and iron), nutmeg (good source of manganese), cocoa powder (lots of protein, potassium and zinc, and is also a very good source of dietary fiber, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, copper and manganese) and cardamom (plenty of vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, potassium and zinc, and it is also a very good source of dietary fiber, iron and manganese).
[1] TheNational
[2] Food World News
You’ve been scammed. The coffee industry is continually funding questionable studies to show that coffee makes you smarter, faster, younger, sexier, blah, blah, blah. If you don’t have the sense you check on funding of studies, then you will always be susceptible to being scammed. The caffeine alone in coffee, is an insidious drug that causes many health problems, not to mention other element in it.
Of course the coffee industry is funding studies, not necessarily questionable. Or do you expect the garment industry to fund studies for coffee drinkers?
Coffee has been enjoyed for centuries, with benefits for the consumer, in addition to simply making them feel good.
I drink coffee with all its elements and don’t make spelling mistakes.:)
Caffeine is okay. It’s my pal… but like anything else, don’t overdo it.
Sure it’s a ‘drug’ but, you take your dose (or two) in the A.M. and then you’re good for the day.
Zero health problems.
And in fact, it is the other components in the beverage that can have a subtle health benefit!
Micronutrients including vitamins, enzymes, fats, antioxidants, and even protein and some interesting natural sugars are in there, along with unique compounds just being identified and studied by these researchers.
Anyway there are a LOT worse things you’ll observe humans drinking than coffee, heheh…
If yu “cant stand” black coffee, you’re not drinking GOOD coffee. Make sure what you are drinking is FRESH… that is, roasted within a week of grinding and brewing. Stale coffee (and coffee roasted more than a week ago IS by definition stale) is harsh and bitter because the aromatic oils (flavour and aroma) have oxidised… turned rancid…. and those long chain organic acids are bitter, harsh, and cause all manner of internal problems. Their presence is the reason Charbux and their ilk use them…. the coffee is not tolerable without the “dairy” and sugar, which is where they make more profit than the coffee itself.
Further, find LIGHT ROASTED coffee… if its black and/or oily, it is too darkly roasted,… again, harsh and bitter (the OTHER reason Charbux does this…. the dairy and sugar mask the bitterness of over-roasting. The surface of the beans should be dry, surface texture even, and the colour… no darker than a mild milk chocolate. You will find, when drinking coffee like this, that you can TASTE the coffee itself, it is not harsh, bitter, astringent, but rather smooth, sweet, floral and/or fruity. Yu will find it needs NO additives, which additives are the root of many ther health problems. It is almost never the coffee itself.. its the way its been mishandled (overroasted,stale) and the “junk” put into it to render it tolerable. AND, fresh light roast is less money by far then the stale, burned, additive laced stuff masquerading as coffee in most places.