1. blank Lord Pamerston says:

    For those premature ejeaculators out there… Follow the same instructions for breathing that the article mentions. Except use a 10-10-10. Start before penetration. Enjoy!

  2. blank Billy Bee says:

    I’ve read this before, I tried it and not really sure if I could call my results successful. What does work for me is a few minutes of first deep breathing and then progressive relaxation, knocks me out good =)

  3. blank Andrea Winship says:

    I have a variation on this method and it does work most of the nights; breathe in for 7; hold for 5 breathe our for 7. You should breathe deeply in so that you feel it in your kidneys. It has also made me start dreaming again. Perhaps a sign that I’m more relaxed and hitting REM sleep. I haven’t dreamt in years.

  4. The graphic has an error in the sixth bullet. You don’t exhale through your mouth with your tongue on the soft tissue of your upper teeth. You do that when you want to exhale or inhale through your NOSE.

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