11 Home Remedies for Various Ailments

The next time you think about taking a trip to the drug store, check back here for some various home remedies.
Admittedly, some old-fashioned cures are best left in history books, but the ones we’ve included here are backed by modern researchers and scientists and great-grandma’s stubborn insistence. She didn’t have Neosporin in her bathroom cabinet growing up, and what with all the ills of modern allopathic medicine and toxin-ridden pharmaceuticals, maybe you shouldn’t either. Nature, after all, offers affordable, effective, and less harmful treatments.
Here are 11 home remedies for various ailments and issues.
1. Eat Yogurt for Bad Breath
Good bacteria can trounce bad bacteria, and preliminary research indicates that the good bacteria in yogurt can kill off the bad bacteria causing bad breath, according to John C. Moon, DDS. To get the most from your yogurt, be sure that it’s organic to avoid antibiotics and toxic residue. Remember also that the healthiest animal products come from healthy animals raised in pastures on small farms, not factory farms.
2. Treat Cold Sores with Lemon Balm Tea
Lemon balm’s antiviral properties counteracts the herpes virus that causes cold sores, according to James Duke, PhD, author of The Green Pharmacy. Brew 2 to 4 tablespoons of lemon balm per cup of boiling water; let it cool and dab onto the sore several times daily.
3. Soften Calluses and Corns with Licorice
This homemade licorice paste can soften hardened skin. Mix a few drops of licorice root extract in a teaspoon of honey and rub onto the rough areas of your feet.
4. Soothe Eczema with Olive Oil
When you treat eczema with antioxidant- and moisture-rich olive oil, you can avoid the toxic sludge of additives found in store-bought treatments and save a few dollars. Simply massage olive oil over the affected area as needed. For serious cases, cover the oily area with plastic wrap or a towel to lock in the moisture.
5. Listen to Music to Help Lower High Blood Pressure
Research from the University of Florence in Italy shows that listening to thirty minutes of soothing music while breathing deeply lowered hypertension in even medicated patients. After one month, readings were 4.4 points lower than in the beginning of the study.
6. Prevent Motion Sickness with Olives and Lemons
Everyone has heard of chewing on moderate amounts of candied ginger (taking into account sugar content) or drinking ginger ale to prevent motion sickness. An alternative remedy is to eat olives or lemons, which reduce the saliva content in your mouth, thereby preventing nausea.
7. Eat Apples to Whiten Teeth
Crunchy produce can gently brush your teeth. Apples also have malic acid that helps remove stains. This is just one of many tips for teeth whitening at home.
8. Drink Baking Soda to Treat Urinary Tract Infections
At the onset of symptoms, mix ¼ teaspoon of baking soda in 8 ounces of water and drink. Drink this mixture once a day in addition to naturally sweetened or unsweetened cranberry juice or another natural remedy to speed up your healing process  Baking soda makes the bladder environment alkaline, which helps prevent the bacteria from multiplying; cranberry juice has been shown to help treat UTIs on numerous occasions.
9. Heal Cuts with Cloves
To prevent cuts from becoming infected, sprinkle on some powdered cloves. Cloves contain eugenol, which is not only antiseptic but also a natural pain-killer.
10. Treat Troubled Skin with Papaya
The papain found in papayas and papaya leaf extract naturally exfoliate your skin, helping to prevent buildup and acne. Mix 2 tablespoons of washed and peeled papaya with 1 tablespoon of dry oatmeal. Pat this onto clean skin and wait 10 minutes before washing with lukewarm water and a washcloth. Do not scrape. Repeat twice monthly for smoother, softer skin.
11. Use Apple Cider Vinegar (or Duct Tape?) to Remove Warts
Using apple cider vinegar is a simple technique to remove warts. Simply apply it directly on the wart using a cotton ball or swab every 12 hours so that the healing process continues. It is also necessary to cover the wart with a bandage. This is just one of many benefits of apple cider vinegar.
Alternatively, a much odder solution involves duct tape. Rather than freezing off warts, a study in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine claims that duct tape can remove 85 percent of the wart compared to the 60 percent with the freezing method. First, clean the area and apply a strip of tape slightly larger than the wart. Rub into place. Remove the duct tape after 3 days and file down the dead skin with a pumice stone or nail file. Repeat until treated. Other treatments include softening the skin with aloe vera, apple cider or white vinegar, papaya, and milkweed.
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The Nature, the best remedy!
I love nature
I recommend lemons and vinegar. They help fight off bad breath and gingivitis.