Why Synthetic Vitamins Should Be Avoided Whenever Possible

A synthetic version of vitamin A, retinyl palmitate is one of the most commonly found of all the synthetic vitamin isolates. Virtually all the homogenized milk that children have drank for decades has been fortified with the additive vitamin A palmitate.
“The Environmental Working Group (EWG) and New York Senator Chuck Schumer have called attention to the fact that high doses of topical retinyl palmitate were shown to accelerate cancer in lab animals …” (Source: Wikipedia)
The first question anyone might ask is why is a synthetic vitamin isolate being put into so many food products, including milk, when it has been shown to accelerate cancer in animals undergoing laboratory tests?
The debate about retinyl palmitate has been raging in research institutions and university laboratories since it was first synthesized. Because it has been used in advertising for so long as a food and body product enhancer, revealing its downside health risks and adverse side effects would expose many a company to serious legal action and subsequent financial liability.
“In virtually every study on vitamin A toxicity, it is isolated, synthetic supplements that are associated with adverse effects, not foods. Experimental animals and human subjects receive or are taking retinyl acetate, retinyl palmitate, or a synthetic retinoic acid derivative. Even small amounts of synthetic forms of vitamin A may be toxic, the actual amount differing with individuals and factors such as liver health. It is the toxicity of synthetic forms of vitamin A that produce the publicity about alleged dangers of vitamin A. Natural food sources of vitamin A are well tolerated at even high doses.”
(Source: TheHealthCoach1)
Read: How Vitamin Studies Deceive the Public into Big Pharma Profits
What are the adverse side effects from ingesting too much synthetic vitamin A?
The following excerpt well explains some of the more serious side effects which can occur from ingesting too much retinyl palmitate.
“Vitamin A supplements in too-high doses have been linked to birth defects, including malformations of the eyes, lungs, skull, and heart. It is not recommended for pregnant women.
People with certain types of eye diseases should not take supplements containing vitamin A palpitate. These include:
- Stargardt disease (Stargardt macular dystrophy)
- Cone-rod dystrophy
- Best disease
- Retinal diseases caused by gene Abca4 mutations
Vitamin A palpitate supplements can also interfere with certain medications. Discuss its use with your doctor, or pharmacist if you’re currently taking prescription medications, such as those used for psoriasis, or any medication processed through the liver. Certain over-the-counter medications may also be contraindicated, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol).”

Another Example of Harmful Synthetics – Vitamin E
Another great example of where harmful synthetic vitamins are being used in place of wholefood options can be seen with vitamin E. On average, the synthetic source is far less desirable (and cheaper) than the organic (food based) source. If you’re taking the synthetic version of vitamin E, which is a petrochemically derived analogue of natural vitamin E, you could actually be disrupting your endocrine system and sending your body into a perilous state of health.
This is why you might see mainstream news sources such as CNN reporting that vitamin E causes cancer. This is, in fact, the synthetic form.
If you opt to take the natural form of vitamin E, however, you’re going to be reaping benefits ranging from anti-aging effects to combating oxidative stress. See the difference?
So the takeaway here is to recognize that there are synthetic vitamins and vitamins from wholefood sources. Do a little research into the supplement you’re buying and check to see which ones are being used.
So what type of Vitamin A should I be looking for in vitamin supplements?
None, you should find out what foods have vitamin A, and then eat them! Eat a variety of vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts,…to make sure your getting all the vitamins and minerals your body needs…simple. But one thing, whatever you put in your body, make sure it’s ALL ORGANIC, or at least as much as you can afford. 95% of grocery store food, and juices are GMO, and filled with many chemicals. I say again…eat as MUCH organic foods as you can. Find the grocery stores in your area that stock them, or buy organics online. Who needs supplements when you can get the same thing from delicious organic foods? Or even grow your own!
Beta Carotene.
Retinol from liver, egg, cheese and for liver oil are ok too
Vitamin A is a poison.
Not a supplement but your best bet is Liver once a week.
EWG did find the report faulty and misleading. So, the danger of cancer is there.
I asked a local dairy why they use vitamin a palmitate and they told me that the government requires it in all skimmed or partially skimmed milk.
Dr. Childers was actually against Vitamin A *acetate*, not palmitate.
In middle of May, my daughter started drinking low-fat milk due to her WIC policy. By the middle of June she had diaper rash so bad that she couldn’t even wear diapers. Let me remind you that she had been drinking whole milk before getting switched over to the low-fat milk. Well in July I switched her back over to whole milk. She has done great ever since. But my question/comment would be, could the Vitamin A Palmitate in the low-fat milk have caused her severe diaper rash? I mean she didn’t even have to have a bowel movement to get the rash while drinking the low-fat milk. Just peeing would eat her bottom up. It has taken us the last month and a half to get her better. The whole milk doesn’t bother her at all. Also, the whole milk doesn’t have the Vitamin A Palmitate in it. Just a concerned mommy looking out for her child.