1. Connie Schuster says:

    The name of the Virginia Tech shooter was Cho, an Asian-American. Here are some other websites with information about the Colorado shootings. WEBSITES:

    LIST OF VIOLENT CRIMES & SUICIDES BY PEOPLE ON SSRIs: http://www.ssristories.com/index.php
    International Coalition for Drug Awareness

    HYPNOSIS & ASSASSINATION: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z367ZqtzzoA
    COLORADO SHOOTINGS & MIND CONTROL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&a
    PSYCHIATRY, THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDCW-qNY50A&fe
    PSYCHIATRY & KILLINGS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhO0Pul_FcE&fe
    HOLMES & PSYCHIATRIST: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/27/james-ho
    WERE BATMAN SHOOTINGS A COVERT OP? http://www.naturalnews.com/036612_Batman_massacre
    FATHER OF JAMES HOLMES A WHISTLEBLOWER: http://www.silverdoctors.com/breaking-batman-shoo
    KIDNAPPING / SCOLOPOMINE THEORY: http://www.helpfreetheearth.com/news617_batmanwho
    MORE INFORMATION: http://www.facebook.com/#!/notes/kazi-kearse/21-m

  2. John Rambo says:

    I guess you happened to miss the different articles talking about the eye witnesses saying there was a team of FOUR MEN who did the shooting? Sounds like a government hit squad, to me.

  3. Rea, OAK CREEK< W says:

    If you don't have mental health problems and you take the medications prescibed for mental illness I can guarantee you that your behavior will be modified. The meds create change in the Brain, Cerebal Spinal Fluid PH. Most often causing it to become more aciditic. The AMA should be strung up for allowing the citizen's of America to take such medications.

  4. SSRI's, selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors such as Prozac do not allow serotonin to break down into other compounds, instead keeping the serotonin locked in the synapses.

    When the spinal cords of SSRI users commit suicide and are examined, those serotonin breakdown components are lacking in the spinal cords of those who took their own lives.

    Far better it is to increase serotonin in the whole body, by supplementing with a serotonin precursor such as tryptophan, or by eating foods rich in tryptophan than to short circuit the serotonin breakdown cycle as current SSRI's do.

    The vast majority of serotonin receptors are in the gut of a person, not in the brain….

    SSRI's may have been an interim attempt to easily modify mood and relieve depression, but in many cases their use is worse than the illness.

    Though for some reason, I suspect drug manufacturers will be reluctant to take their cash cows off the market. Buyer beware though. They can be dangerous.

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