1. It’s time for FluorideGate hearings!

    Why does the government protect fluoridation at all costs. Why didn’t the
    HHS take advantage of this widely repeated story and put in their news release
    some facts about fluoride that aren’t disputed and aren’t pretty and that most
    people are ignorant to.

    There is no debate between those for and against fluoridation that too much
    fluoride can damage teeth and bones. Why isn’t HHS telling us what the safe
    level to consume is per person. The concentration of fluoride in water is not
    equal to the individual’s dose from all sources (water, food, beverages, dental
    products, medicines, inhaled from air pollution, ocean mist, cold mist
    humidifiers and showers).

    Fluoride is in virtually all foods and beverages, mainly because
    fluoridated water is used to make them or fluoride-containing pesticide residues
    remain on some foods. Tea and tuna fish are examples of foods very high in
    natural fluoride. See USDA’s Fluoride in Foods Database. And now that sulfuryl fluoride is being used as a post-harvest fumigant, even more fluoride residues will be on foods.

    What about people who drink loads of water every day such as outdoor
    workers, military, athletes, dieters, diabetics, and babies fed formula made
    with tap water.

    All infant foods whether concentrated or not, organic or not contain some
    fluoride, when fluoridated water is added (even at 0.7 mg/L), it puts babies at
    unnecessary risk of developing dental fluorosis without any benefits. See
    former Assistant Secretary of Health’s statement advising parents not to
    routinely use fluoridated water to make infant formula. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/738322

    Fluoride is neither a nutrient nor essential for healthy teeth. Consuming
    a fluoride free diet does not cause tooth decay. Modern science proves that
    ingesting fluoride is unnecessary and harmful. Fluoride hardens teeth by
    topical application alone which means – put it on your teeth but never ever
    swallow it.

    Fluoride is useless to the toothless – including edentulous adults who
    suffer fluoridation’s risks without any possible benefit but whose limited
    income pays for fluoridation thru taxation and water bills.

    The question is why is our government protecting fluoride at all costs and
    covering up fluoride’s adverse health effects – including fluorosis which occurs
    more often in minority populations who also have the most tooth decay.

  2. Kitsy WooWoo says:

    So when are these so-called lower fluoride levels supposed to take effect? Or is this just a lot of talk with no action?

  3. Righteous Anger says:

    Sad, lots of people are brainwashed that sodium fluoride is needed in our drinking water.

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