1. DanTheMan650 says:

    Still an active program today and exempted somehow from the Geneva Convention, so for all intents and purposes, it's legal. Todays game is mind control, programming and electronic harrassment. If they can get you into an isolated situation, even if it's only from 9 to 5, it is NOT a pleasant experience.

  2. Amerikagulag says:

    A milder form of government sponsored terrorism would be the mandated fluoridation of drinking water.

  3. Kenneth Smith says:

    Anthony I saw no sources for your article. I would be more than glad to pass it on if it could be verified.

  4. Excellent article thank you Anthony

  5. can I please get a decent source to this information? It's very important, thanx…

  6. My husband was used for human radiation experiments when he was 9 yrs. old in 1964 at the hospital in Kalamazoo, MI. At the time, the Govt. was targeting deaf/blind kids, & as far as he can remember they put some form of atomic radiation under both ears yet mostly on the left side. They said they were treating him for swollen lymph glands. In the late 1900's, the Govt. tracked down his parents then sent them a letter stating it was actually a human radiation experiment. Unfortunately, the letter was lost in a fire since there had been a class action suit hence my husband was owed compensation for this hideous crime too. It seems all records, & the location of this experiment have conveniently vanished. However, there is a book available regarding numerous experiments. The Human Radiation Experiments Final Report of the President's Advisory Committee which was released when President Clinton was in office; although, I can't find the experiments that were done in Kalamazoo. Again, very convenient for the Govt. Some of the stories mentioned in this article are in the book as well. You can find the book on line, or order it from your local bookstore.

  7. Undecider says:

    Some people will be standing under the sun asking for proof it exists.

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