1. Hahahaha, this will end well I'm sure…

  2. Al. Come back down to Earth and stop being deluded about being a unified being of light. That is delusional New Age thinking inspired theosophic philosophy meant to help precipitate the Luciferian New World, Utopian Agenda. Please do not be a sucker. Earth will NOT, and please google this, will NOT be crossing the galactic plane this year. It does, however, cross the galactic equator twice a year.

    1. Sarah , you are a nut and you don't know anything about astronomy . Please save the drivel for your congregation .

  3. Ian MacLeod says:

    I find it hard to believe that the ultimate solipsists would be willing to share even a supermind with other sociopaths like themselves, or that they would trust any scientist to create a give them immortal synthetic bodies. Also, if they had their own minds uploaded into something like this, it would be a duplicate of their minds that survived, NOT them personally, and I don't believe ANY of them are so unselfish as to send a copy of themselves into the future with that kind of power while they age, die and rot! The only way I see something like this happening would be if they could somehow hooked directly into digital reality, while they're alive, experience that while they're still alive and come back into consensus reality with the intact memory of that time in the digital world, and at some point choose to remain while their bodies died. Perhaps they could then control a synthetic body from whatever digital environment they're in, but after they do something like that, I doubt they'd be willing to return, even with a nearly indestructible artificial body. They'd be afraid of being destroyed, once they feel safe in some inaccessible digital world.

    I have no doubt they'd continue to interfere with US, however, as destructively as ever. After so many generations of it, it's probably a habit. I don't believe though, that even with technology a decade or more beyond what We the Peons are ever allowed to see, they're anywhere NEAR something like this! I could be wrong, but I've work in aerospace digital engineering myself, and I just don't see it.


  4. Humanity is almost at the edge of eternity but is by the coming of My Lord and savior Jesus Christ. This newage giberish about our solar system now transits the equatorial plane of the galaxy.Just as the UN, UNESCO, WHO, The Council of Foreign Relations, the Eluminaty, the Jesuit order and all the others are trying to fulfill their agenda of satanism the Newage movement is just another machanism to facilitate the process. This is why they are allready persercuting Christians. Open your eyes.

  5. AreYouKiddingMe says:

    I am normally a Live and Let Live kind of person. I believe that each person has their beliefs (or non beliefs) and theories, and I respect that… but after reading the collection of Radical views that run the gamut in this comment thread…. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!?!!
    What kind of drugs do I need to be on to see or believe what you do and where can I get some?!?!?!?!
    THIS is why I left… no, RAN from Religion – I have no taste for fruitcakes

  6. Spartan 117 says:

    im not going to lie it would b cool to be made into something such as a halo spartan super soldier with that armor id rock the recon armor no doubt

  7. Mankind is always evolving, be it through natural selection or technological revolution. No matter how much religious congregations or people who resist change, codem it, it will happen whether you are here to see it or not.

  8. We would be the new Neanderthal.

  9. war hammer 40k here we come ( space marines)

  10. I think DARPA should begin to consider turning their expirements towards children from a young age of 15 and up. If DARPA did this it would give them an opportunity to see how the children grow as to their new genetic improvements; Tis would also Give DARPA an opportunity to see in what they need improvement.

    1. Undecider says:

      Why not just give them newborns and orphans? They should get every family’s first born son. Would that be good?

  11. your “god” is a man made creation. welcome to reality

    1. Tea Party Anarchist says:

      Coming from a man who has never studied the Bible, much history, or anything useful. Atheist=parrot. Every time.

    2. Dennis Michael says:

      Yes there is a lot in the Bible that has been manipulated like the trial of Jesus. However only problem is Jesus is alive and well tody. How do I know. Because I open my eyes (Part eyelids) and see HIS Miracles EVERY day. Guess some people are blind.

  12. NoAla Mom says:

    Keep speaking the truth – the enemy has many voices trying to drown it out.

  13. johnintoledo says:

    To anyone familiar with Star-trek, the 2045 project singularity sure sounds like the Borg.

  14. The Love Hog says:

    I wonder **if** these fellers will develop PTSD. That would be interesting.

    1. Undecider says:

      No. That will be accounted for. Biological androids with programmable memory.

  15. The Lord says the end times will be like the days of Noah . What was happening during those days? Fallen angels having sex and babies with humans that became the GREAT WARRIORS of those days .. it’s looks like we have come full circle

  16. HBergeron says:

    God is just another man made creation……I mean you’re quoting words from a gospel that couldn’t have been written by the man it’s attributed too….get a clue!!

  17. as far as being a “light being”, there are mountains of evidence to prove you wrong. start with the book: the source field investigations.
    theosophy is not luciferian, quite the contrary. you are arguing from ignorance. if you actually read its writings in context in its entirety you cannot conflate such things. your sophistry is poor and easily exposed.

  18. Antonio Larrosa Diaz says:

    ¿Y DIOs que opinará de esto?

  19. God is Always above, that´s right. Apart from that and within the limits of our ignorance, is this Project (even this thought) ethical? No, it is not. Not to mention that – in the case that only the “wealthy elite” would be able to achieve immortality, all the rest would be faded to nothing. Humankind is always worried about war and overcoming enemies. To a certain extendt, that´s OK – in despite of being a very primitive concern. However, I have not heard of such a huge financial effort to reachachieve worldwide PEACE. In despite of all the tech achievements we´ve reached, we are still in the mud of ignorance. Letting NATURE follow its way – the way it has been since ever – is the most tech and ethical progress we must pursue. Sincerely, I disapprove it with sadness and sorrow. The same science that searches for this type of immortality,is looking for evidence of life after death. And there is a lot of (good) evidence out there that supports this belief. Just search and you will find it under the light of Science itself. BTW, I would NEVER want to reach (bodily) immortality. Sincerely, frankly speaking, NEVER, ever. If death is a part of our history, then there is a good reason for that – even if our ignorance does not understand it. Let it come for each one, the way Mother Nature has programmed it. In a natural, blessed way.

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