1. Tried 3X to post on Facebook, haven't seen it post yet.

  2. You can also just put about a tsp of tumeric into a glass, fill with water and drink it. As it is fat soluble, I would recommend a spoonsful of virgin coconut oil, or some high quality fish or krill oil capsules with it. Tumeric doesn't taste bad in water at all.

    Buy certified organic tumeric from the bulk spice section of a health food store, it will cost far, far less than a bottle of the same. Transfer to a glass container when you get home, as it seems to create a strange oily substance on the outside of the plastic bag after a while. Seems like the turmeric reacts with the plastic bags over time, who knows what kinda leachate or whatever it is, I find it kinda strange that it's on the outside of the bag so who knows what's on the inside.

  3. hi y'all,

    I need simple recipes for tumeric and cucuman


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