1. notahealthnut says:

    A friend turned me onto turmeric some time back. I sprinkle it on a lot of sandwiches. I took blood pressure meds for 30 yrs and got off of them with my drs approval. I was type 2 diabetic for 30 yrs and went type 1 but that is from too many donuts, a weakness of mine. Btw, 1000 mg of B12 (not complex) will clear up hemorrhoids in a week or so. But you have too keep taking it. A Mormon friend told me about it in 1976 when I thought I would have to get an operation. Both daughters and wife take B12.

  2. Looks like turmeric only works if added to food, not in pill form. Adding 5% black pepper increases its power by many times. And it needs a ‘fat’ carrier. Maybe a coconut milk/juice mix cd work very well.

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