1. tandalayo says:

    This father says: Canabis was demonized in the 20th century..which is a shame’…no, not a ‘shame’ ….a CRIME….let’s just name the crime….because how many children, adults died or did not cure their ailments because these corrupt govts…continued to keep canabis from ‘the people’.. We are ‘the people’..and WE are in charge…not ‘govt. officials, cartels, criminals’…all the same… Get rid of govt…and you rid the world of high crimes and corruption…and loss of our divine freedoms….

  2. StopTheHypocrisy says:

    I can’t believe how long this battle to legalize Cannabis is taking. It’s time for the “scientists” that are still clinging to the old propaganda to be brought up on criminal charges.
    To those that actually still believe it’s not about money I ask you why is Hemp, something you CAN NOT get high from still damn near impossible to get permits to grow in the States? I am sure it has nothing to do with the benefits of using it as a food supplement or the fact that it produces higher quality paper with way less of an impact on the environment than trees or that it produces stronger fiber than cotton or can be used as a bio-fuel or… the list goes on and on.
    The studies being done on CBD’s are astonishing. CDB’s have the pharma companies scared as they are showing themselves to be capable of correcting all kinds of chemical imbalances in the brain. I’ve heard some doctors say that Cannabis only helps with depression, PTSD, chronic pain and other disorders because it gets you high which is a crook of crap. If that’s the case than why does it cause broken bones to heal faster and be stronger than when they heal normally as a recent study out of Israel has shown?
    If you want an eyeopener read US 507 Patent and look at the list of conditions CBD’s can be used to treat. The US gov knows what these compounds are capable of but they still say Cannabis has no known medical value. Other companies around the world are starting to file patents for high CBD low THC strains of Cannabis they have created and I have no doubt the drug market is going to be flooded with drugs made from CBD’s in the next decade. These companies are going to make a fortune off something we can grow in our gardens at almost zero cost. The hypocrisy of this makes me sick.
    I am able to legally grow my own for my chronic pain and I am waiting for the day that I am able to legally have my whole family use it as a food supplement and preventative maintenance against the chemicals that are literally overwhelming our environment.
    Please educate yourself and fight for your right to use a compound that is truly Gods gift to mankind.

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