1. Jimmy Russels says:

    Uh oh, I might get testicular cancer. Better remove my testicles.

    Uh oh, I might get skin cancer. Better remove my skin.

    Uh oh, I might get brain cancer. Better remove my brain.

    1. you will not joke if you were the one with cancer.

    2. Research the numbers! Your totally ignorant of the stats and should be advised that men with the BRCA mutation have higher risks of pancreatic and prostate cancer. I speak for my dead sibling !!

  2. I see people follow the white lab coats religiously, but I have to say I'm pretty shocked by this one. Sharon seems to be an intelligent person, I guess she's not well informed. We don't have to live like this!

    1. she is possitibly well informed, and is up to her to choose surgery that will save her life.

  3. You know……IF men were encouraged to have their testicals or penises removed……just in case….to prevent cancer….RIGHT!!! Like THAT would ever happen! This almost obsession we see now with breast cancer is beginning to really feel like part of the War on Women!

    1. I have 11 friends from my old country. 6 have breast (Brst)cancer…. it is an epidemic. when I talk to people every two or three someone have Brst. Cancer. You never know if you will be one of the 6… friends that will get cancer. By the way, all 6 had taken HRT. -hormon replacement therapy-

      1. Do you think HRT might have something to do with it? Cutting off body parts is a very drastic option and really should only be considered as a last possible resort. And it really is not for you to advocate, no matter your feelings about it. Environment and lifestyle, particularly diet are huge factors in the incidences of cancer. An examination of those could prove very useful. One of the most often cited sources of cancer causing agents is chemical pollutants in the environment, even the water supply of major cities contain harmful toxins. All I'm saying is that without any understanding of underlying causes it is wrong to advocate a mastectomy. And as pointed out, it is no guarantee you won't get cancer, furthermore it can give women a false sense of security

  4. Cecily Porter says:

    The truly sad part of this is that Sharon is no less informed than her docs. They are just pawns of the drug companies and have no knowledge whatsoever of nutrition and health. Allopathic docs are in the BUSINESS of health, they have no knowledge of health. For that you need to go to a naturopathic doc, and even then, you can be led off course. A vegan diet with a high percentage of raw fruit and veg with no GMOs will take you a long way toward being healthy.

  5. As a thirty-something woman who has tested positive for the BRCA 1 gene, which raises my chances of ending up with breast or ovarian cancer at a young age to very high percentages, I find this article and corresponding comments to be so judgmental. I lost my maternal grandmother (at 60) and mother (at 50) to ovarian cancer, and have now been standing by my aunt as she has been battling breast cancer for five years. My grandmother also had breast cancer at 37. Now I am the mother of a 7 month old girl, and am faced with my own decisions. I fully believe in the power of nutrition and many other alternative "cancer fighters", and use these to try and stay healthy. However, if I decide that removing my breasts and/or ovaries to reduce my chances of developing breast and ovarian cancer by 90-95% and ensure that my young daughter does not end up motherless, that is MY life decision. It's easy to sit there and judge and say someone was "fear-mongered" by their doctors and completely unaware of the benefits of nutrition but you haven't walked in mine or Sharon's shoes. It's impossible for you to know how you would feel after going through what I have, and then having the same genetic predisposition on top of that.

    1. Bearnairdin says:

      in my case that is not entirely true – I have actually had a cancerous growth, got it removed nothing else, 14 years ago, and since then have been living a much healthier life style, mainly rawfood, no sugars etc – no recurrence whatsoever !I also have the gene that says there is a possibility of cancer…….. and my father and an aunt or 2 had cancer – but that does not mean that I will get it, and I dont allow myself to be intimidated. Just my thoughts, no offense intended. Best wishes !

    2. Agree with you. I would to the same. After you have the number of children you want to have,… do it. it is your life… and you children deserve a mother. My co

      wife's sister and mother both died young from Brst cancer. It runs in her family. The best thing she can do is having both breast removed, specially because she too have the BRCA 1 positive .

    3. Yes I totally agree with you. My sister died from this mutation. This is not mutilation, but is saving lives. The numbers are extremely high for getting breast and ovarian cancer. Who of you would like to flip that coin?! You all need to learn alot more information here! A healthy diet is hardly a guarantee for people with mutations and an 70 percent risk of breast cancer and a forty percent of ovarian with almost a zero cure rate.I notice that the men have more an issue with this. Women who worry about being unattractive need to think about being dead while their husband remarries!

      1. Lopping off breasts and removing ovaries is no guarantee against contracting cancer. A healthy diet that removes toxins and free-radicals is a good place to start. And realize that once a tumor is found it could be too late – the horse has already left the barn, so to speak.

  6. Bearnairdin says:

    this is such a terrible thing – doctors terrorising people in to doing this! What I dont understand is, how people fail to recognise that if that were what is going to help prevent a cancer growth they would also have to remove the colon…….or the kidneys………or the lungs…….?????????

  7. Every case is unique and no one should blindly be saying that a healthy diet or the right vitamins, etc. will prevent cancer. There were two women I once saw on tv. Their parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins had stomach cancer and died. They had very little family left and decided to remove their stomachs. In that scenerio those 2 women made a hard decision and decided to live. Their chance of getting that cancer and dying was 100% before the surgery. Now it is 0%.

  8. Don't guess Ozzy'll be Farkin' her anymore!

  9. I saw the episode of Dr Oz in which the 2 women and several other family members spoke about having their stomachs removed due to the prevalance of stomach cancer. This is different from having body parts removed due to a genetic marker. In once instance there is documented evidence, in the other it is showing a propensity towards developing cancer, which is not a guarantee. The same as removal of body parts doesn't guarantee you won't be afflicted by it. Doctors don't know enough about how cancer develops and spreads to be making this type of recommendation – it is mutilation. Environment is a huge factor, as is exposure to cleaning chemicals, solvents, paints, aerosols, etc. Even things like dryer sheets and memory foam are suspected sources of carcinogens. And the air we breathe is highly suspect too. Every year industry around the globe pumps somewhere on the order of 600 billion tonnes of pollutants into the atmosphere. And still there is another source of carcinogens in microwave transmissions – cellphones, cordless phones, wireless internet, etc not to mention electro-magnetic fields generated by powerlines and the wiring in our homes. It is a never-ending battle so to lop off body parts as a preventative measure without examining possible causes such as lifestyle choices and environmental factors is unconscionable

  10. WELL I AM WITH HER… I think women with the positive gene for cancer should have their breast removed before they get the cancer and die from it. If every 10 women 7 get cancer YOU WILL DO THE SAME THING. specially if you have taken birth control or HRT. hormon replacement during menopausal time.

    1. Hormone replacement is one of the worst possible options for treating menopause, which is a natural process not an affliction andd it just further illustrates the point that Doctors and medical science are routinely wrong. No one is condemning Sharon Osbourne's actions just questioning the decision to do so. After it's your body, you can choose to be mutilated or you can take steps towards prevention. Unfortunately most people are too passive when it comes to their health. They foolishly believe that allopathic, Cartesian-based medicine is the be all and end-all for healthcare. Nothing could be further from the truth. People need to realize their health care is their responsibility, not the Doctors.

    2. what happens if you have a gene for brain cancer? Are you going to be supporting the removal of brains also? No wonder our country is in such a mess….

  11. Is it all right to eat natural cane sugar or is it also "contaminated" with fructose? Thanks

    1. contaminated with fructose? I believe it is sucrose. Fructose is fine in it's natural state – in fruits, vegetables the problem is the pervasive use of it in the food industry. If you eat a diet that consists of mostly natural foods, it should not be a concern for you. You should also be aware that natural cane sugar will have the effect as white sugar – it really is not any better for you. The best sweeteners to use are honey, maple syrup and molasses.

      1. ed the grocer says:

        All are half fructose. At worst use dextrose ( glucose ) although it is likely GMO. A small amount of local unpasteurized honey used uncooked is good. Otherwise a small bit of fresh fruit each day.

  12. Beverly Bee says:

    People are forgetting(or aren't aware)that you can still get ovarian cancer after removing both ovaries, and you can still get breast cancer after removing breasts. Why aren't people talking about that?

    1. Beverly Bee says:

      And cane sugar is fructose.

  13. seriously hard 2 believe 🙁

  14. Beverly Bee says:

    Some experts have argued that even for high-risk women, prophylactic mastectomy is inappropriate, because not all breast tissue can be removed during a surgical procedure. In addition, the only group undergoing prophylactic mastectomy that had a survival advantage (lived longer) were pre-menopausal women, with endocrine receptor-negative breast cancers. To understand why, we need to know what comprises breast tissue and where cancer originates.

  15. The automatic cut and slice attitudes for diseases that strike females were scary enough. Now it’s called preventive medicine. I call it sexism.

    I was having chronic urinary tract infection symptoms, so I went to see “an expert”, an urologist to find out why. After she viewed the sonograms, she said that nothing was wrong other than my uterus was leaning forward and pressing against the top part of my bladder. She said that since I was menopausal, I should have my uterus taken out. What?

    When I talked to a friend about it, she suggested drinking more water and trying standing up over the toilet to straighten out my abdomen. The next time I felt like I was getting an infection, I immediately did what my friend had suggested. After 24 hours, all symptoms were gone. When I got another one two weeks later, I repeat the experiment. It worked again.

    When the assistant of the urologist called to ask me if I had yet made an appointment to see a GYN/OB doctor about having my uterus taken out, and if I wanted to make another appointment with the urologist, I laughed then said that I have no intention to see a doctor who had misdiagnosed my problem AND who had said that I should have my uterus taken out because “I no longer had any usage for it anyway.”

    Like the old saying goes: Don’t fix what isn’t broken.

  16. For those who support this kind of 'therapy', I have not walked in your shoes. If I felt my family around me were affected by cancer I would be frightened too if I also followed the mainstream idea of what cancer really is. We have to stop fearing cancer and understand what it really is. Don Tolman brilliant explains this as a garbage disposal to help protect the body. Please, before you are led by fear, understand your body's incredible healing powers. Your body can heal if provided with the right environment. Check out how hundreds of people are curing themselves naturally of cancer. 'Cancer is Curable' and many other excellent videos. And why do so many die? It is known that the 'treatments' of cancer kill and many cancers are best left alone. It's time to take a look at the truth that modern medicine cancer treatments are not working. It's time to change the way we view cancer…it's increasing, not decreasing…WHY????

  17. Tony Millward says:

    "To be clear, I do not think that Sharon Osbourne means any harm to anyone personally and was genuinely driven to have this procedure thanks to her doctors terrifying her into the decision"

    Well obviously she didn't do it to spite anyone. That would be a bit drastic don't you think?

  18. poor woman – but knowing her a bunch
    this brit will do this for a big chunk of $
    from AMA

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