Frondoside A: The Anticancer Potential from Sea Cucumbers

Sea cucumber has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for hundreds of years, but they are relatively obscure in the U.S. This may be soon changing, however, as mounting evidence showcases how compounds in sea cucumbers (and therefore sea cucumber extract) exhibit anti-cancer properties.
Research on sea cucumber has demonstrated its ability to kill lung, breast, prostate, colon, and pancreatic cancer cells. Looks like we can add yet another food to the list of anti-cancer foods.
Sea cucumbers, belonging to the class “Holothuroidea,” are marine echinoderms found on ocean floors. Traditionally, it has been a part of Chinese medicine and dietary supplements. From the sea cucumber Cucumaria frondosa, 14 biologically active glycosides have been extracted, with Frondoside A being a primary focus due to its anticancer potential.
Scientists believe a key compound known as Frondoside A is responsible. Frondoside A is a triterpenoid, which is found abundantly in marine organisms.
Related Read: Grapeseed Extract Better than Chemo at Halting Advanced Cancer
Mega Analysis Reviews Several Studies on Frondoside A and its Anti-Cancer Potential
Frondoside A has demonstrated its ability to inhibit cancer cell growth through various mechanisms, most of which are still under investigation.
One mega research review aimed at critically analyzing and summarizing the literature available regarding Frondoside A and its anti-cancer properties.
After searching research databases far and wide and compiling the results, here is what the researchers found.
Inhibiting Colon Cancer
It has shown potential in suppressing lung cancer growth, both in vitro and in vivo. Additionally, it has exhibited inhibitory effects on colon cancer in rat models and has been found to increase the expression of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, p21.
Pro-Apoptosis Properties (Destroys Cancer Cells)
Frondoside A induces apoptosis (cancer cell death) in cancer cells. It achieves this by reducing the expression of anti-apoptotic proteins and increasing the expression of pro-apoptotic proteins. This pro-apoptotic effect is primarily mediated through the activation of caspases in multiple cancer cell lines.
Anti-Invasive and Anti-Metastasis Properties (Halts Tumor Growth)
Frondoside A has shown potential in inhibiting cancer cell invasion by reducing the expression of matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP 9), a crucial enzyme in cancer metastasis. It also inhibits proteins essential for cancer metastasis, thereby reducing the metastatic potential of cancer cells.
Anti-Angiogenic Properties (Halts Tumor Growth)
Frondoside A possesses anti-angiogenic properties, inhibiting the formation of new blood vessels, which is crucial for tumor growth and metastasis.
Reducing Breast Cancer Stem Cells
Frondoside A has shown potential in reducing breast cancer stem cells, which are believed to determine tumor behavior, including metastasis and treatment resistance.
Potency Enhancement of Other Drugs
Frondoside A has been found to enhance the effects of other chemotherapeutic drugs, such as cisplatin and gemcitabine, making it a potential candidate for combination therapies.
Overcoming Multi-Drug Resistance
One of the significant challenges in cancer therapy is drug resistance. Frondoside A has shown potential in overcoming this resistance, especially in cancers with mutated p53 genes.
Hope for the Future
In 2015, around 60% of approved cancer treatment drugs were of natural origin. Crazy, right?
The marine ecosystem, with its vast biodiversity, offers numerous potential therapeutic agents. Frondoside A, derived from sea cucumbers, stands out as just one of many promising anticancer agents. Its multifaceted anticancer properties, combined with its potential to enhance the efficacy of existing drugs and overcome drug resistance, make it a compound of significant interest in the realm of cancer research.
cancer is the result of unhealthy lifestyle (physicaly and emotionaly ) so why are we lookng for answers out there? hmmm
Obviously you haven’t been in the chemo rooms and seen the lifestyles of the people there. Cancer doesn’t care who you are and what you do. Yes Lifestyle does play a role, just like predisposition, environment, and who knows what else.
Lifestyle is ABSOLUTELY the key. This involves a HOLISTIC way of doing things for the mind and spirit as well as the body. I haven’t been sick in years and do not look my age. It also has to do with our beliefs. Things that are actually belief systems are not accepted as such due to societal programming, things like disease and aging. Not only that, the idea that food is medicine is only now catching on. Our processed foods make us ill, so that we run to doctors and pharmacies for medicines and procedures. It’s not called the FDA for nothing. So, eating well, exercising and meditating and/or living in s Zen state is the only preventative medicine we need. Unfortunately, our Western doctors are only taught to diagnose and to prescribe chemicals, surgeries and other profitable procedures. They are not taught basic nutrition and often scoff at it, shame.
I know of people who doesn’t eat processed food, have a very healthy live, exercise etc. AND THEY GET CANCER. the world ABSOLUTELY is to drastic and short in reasons. MY mother and my aunts lived to their 90’s but other members of my family lived to their early 60’s (some dying of cancer) all of them and us have similar healthy lifestyle.
and the opposite is true – my grandfather smoked since 13 years old for all his life, di drink alcohol up to 50 yearls old, was at the WW2 and died at 82 years old without cancer
I beg to differ, Aubrey. I am compassionate to those suffering. However, in my work, I have found that it is so for a variety of reasons, not least of all a person’s lifestyle choices and not just food, for it is about more than just how we eat. The choices should be consistent with a healthy, holistic lifestyle, nurturing mind, body and spirit. Very often in our modern world, we forget about Spirit. Blessings on all.
That is BS
Children have cancer and NOT due to lifestyle
The Chinese have about hunted these creatures to extinction around the Galapagos Islands.
When I was very young, we only had a doctor who would come to your house. When I had soar throat(strep Throat) my MOM was part Cherokee, when the doctor dropped by, I can remember them talking as he looked at what my had put around my neck the night before, it was boiled eggs mashed up with mustard greens juice & some other stuff from the garden. My Strep was gone & fever gone. He asked for all the stuff my MOM had used, wrote it all down & the offer my MOM of a chicken for payment was turned down. We share cropped on his farm, so he was close & took care of all 9 of us from birth.
He was a smart man, he would make trips to Memphis for the latest new treatments. He would come back & I can remember him at our small town hall dances/meetings, he would say these new doctors are pushing new meds that are masked as a cure just to make money. He was way ahead of his time at natural cures because of the people he served shared what had been passed down to them. He made a good living & cured & saved many lives.
Today profits come 1st at the AMA & doctors either follow the rules are lose their income!
It will take the come back of the family healers who make house calls, it would really work good in the country where farmers still raise food with out GMO’s!