1. This is madness. It is unlwaful, too, surely? Just a thought… don't take the damn drugs and you won't need to take the soul out of the fruit. Those drugs will kill you anyway. And the fruit is tehre to help if left in its natural state, whichour scientists seem to be incapable of doing. We will all pay a hefty price for attempting to redesign something that evolved and survived over millions of years. Why are these psychopaths allowed to get their own way?

    1. The cross breading of wheat is what caused the gluten leven in wheat to rise to a point were it has such a negitive effect on our bodies. When will they learn that they are not smarter than nature. It is extra sickening that they are not even doing it to improve mankind they are doing it to improve there wallets.

      1. itsonlyausername says:

        High gluten is demanded by the mills and the bakeries because it makes bread rise better, lighter in texture and also fluffier. Not stodgy like low gluten wheat bread, which is actually better for you.

  2. Mary ausdahl says:

    @ Josh…i believe it was genetic modification not cross breeding that did that…gm is a whole different thing that mixes plant and animal dna inserts dna that has survived nucular waste for the purpose of crops surviving different weather conditions and the harsher chemicals sprayed…crossbreeding around forever…all wheat corn soy gmo’s pretty much…

    1. itsonlyausername says:

      Actually it was cross breeding. GM has not been used on wheat crops because the farmers don't want it. The only place GM wheat is or was grown is in trials in the UK which we have protested about intensely.

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