Scientists: Creativity Part of ‘Mental Illness’

If you like to express yourself through painting, writing, or any other form of artistic action, scientists now say that you must be suffering from a mental illness of some kind. In a new display of how truly insane the mainstream medical health paradigm has become, mainstream media outlets are now regurgitating the words of ‘experts’ who say that those who are creative are actually, more often than not, mentally ill.
After all, more than 50% of the United States is, by definition of the psychiatrists of the nation, mentally ill. Even questioning the government is considered a mental disorder. It should come as no surprise to know that upwards of 70% of the psychiatrists who write the conditions are — of course — on the payroll of those who produce the drugs to ‘treat’ the conditions. It should also therefore come as no surprise to note that the DSM (the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which is the foundation of the entire diagnosis system) now contains over 900 pages of bogus disorders.
And perhaps creativity may soon be added to the massive textbook, which labels people who are shy, eccentric, or have unconventional romantic lives as mentally ill.
Is it any wonder that the 4th edition of the manual, which added hundreds of new ways to diagnose patients, led to a 40 times increase in bipolar disorder diagnoses. Even the lead editor of the DSM-IV Allen Frances, MD, has stated the book is utter nonsense:
“There is no definition of a mental disorder. It’s bull****. I mean, you just can’t define it,” he said.
Real information like this is what has led the mainstream news to re-title their pieces regarding the new classification of creativity as a mental illness, changing the headlines to more ‘ginger’ ways of linking the two together. Meanwhile, the writers of the study claiming that creativity is part of a mental illness are quite clear in stating that creativity is literally a mental illness. The extent in which you wish to ‘treat’ your creativity, however, is apparently up to you and your doctor.
Be of caution, however, as you have to decide at ‘what cost’ you will allow your creativity to exist. As the study writer stated:
“If one takes the view that certain phenomena associated with the patient’s illness are beneficial, it opens the way for a new approach to treatment. In that case, the doctor and patient must come to an agreement on what is to be treated, and at what cost.”
As expected the way to ‘treat’ your creativity is of course to take pharmaceutical drugs in the form of anti-depressants or hardcore psychotropic drugs. The same drugs that virtually all suicidal massacre shooters have taken before or during their rampages.
As virtually everything we think and do is classified as a symptom of a mental disorder, the mainstream psychiatric paradigm will continue to grow like a massive parasite alongside the pharmaceutical industry that profits off of the absolute laughable diagnoses of regular adults, children, and even toddlers. Until we realize that we need to shift into a new health paradigm that is centered around personal health freedom and shed corporate science as a whole, we will continue to see insane headlines classifying thought and emotion as mental illness.
And creating mental illness out of creativity is an even greater sign of mental illness.
What an irresponsible "article."
The "experts" are the ones saying it, the article is just telling us what the "experts" are saying. The "experts" are dismantling what it is to be human. Art has always been accepted to be very defining trait of what it is to be human. Now these jackasses are saying exhibiting a very defining human trait is a sign of mental illness? It seems like they are trying to dismantle our human identity, our connection yo our very nature! These "experts" are a danger to themselves and others now. They will cause people to become sick, by convincing them to "treat" the illness of being a healthy human being! I say "experts", not experts, because they have now disconnected themselves from what a healthy human is and are now a danger to the mental health of everyone around them. They are not experts in healing the mind, though they claim to be. I don't want these "experts" anywhere near me. They're now a threat to my mental health!
What is important is the European researchers found some very interesting correlations. The article on this page is making a leap to save space, and has landed squarely on target.
Given the correlations, it is the case that if one changed some words in the DSM-IV, one would have a book about artists and our lives.
I regret that I do not feel like exapnding on that. If a reader is capable of understanding it, she understands it. If she does not understand it, it is because she is not capable of doing so.
Such people are of no use when one takes this page as presenting a problem than can and should be solved.
Quite possibly the worst article I've ever read. The quote from the doctor clearly states that there is a discussion to make sure treatment and the potential effect to the "creativity" needs to be considered. How is that taken as creativity is a mental ilness? Yeah, artist are typically nutty, and most would probably agree. This article is an example of twisting a study to make "the man" look like the villian.
And these are the same type of "experts" that want to classify carbon dioxide as a pollutant. Since when did breathing become bad for humans?
And the same type of "experts" who said they never saw the financial crash of 2007 coming.
Saw this coming a mile out…….They fear us. Didn't they try this before – only back then we were ''evil'' not ''mentally ill''?
Artists are feared because by nature they are non- conformists who live on the fringes of ''society''. They poke, prod and push the boundaries of social convention. They stretch the fabric of perception and expose the emotional limits that plague humanity. Not only in what they paint or create, Artists do this in how they speak, the causes they take up, in how they live and in every thing they do. This is the main function of the true Artist. Artist engage the spirit, they are the explorers who push or sometimes drag kicking and screaming to the light a society asleep to the norm, the status quo, the herd mentality. Any actual Scientist following the Scientific Method will clearly deduce that an Artist is an evolutionary leap. Artists are the fire that ignited mankind's awakening and without them mankind would still be dragging their knuckles in the dirt. – Sandi Baker – Artist
True insanity. They don't even want you to think.
These mad scientists are the ones with the most severe cases of mental illness.
Their disease is that they exist.
I propose we cure them with nuclear medicine.
But creating a nuclear bomb or remote controlled attack drones is perfectly normal.
This gives me a creative idea:
How about miniature attack drones carrying nuclear bombs ?
Even Voltaire would not defend these animals right to speak. Keep oinking for Orwell.
personally, as an artist, i don't really need to be prompted or advised to take more psychtropic drugs than i already have!
beside's i know i've been insane for years, and thats the point of artist's – we're meant to present people with idea's and reality's that they wouldn't normally look at or think about under normal circumstances and being at least a little bit crazy really helps to do this – it's toterated insanity 🙂
For years I have answered the question I hear most often at art shows 'How do you come up with all these ideas?' with the reply 'It's a mild form of insanity.' and apparently I wasn't really joking!
But the only treatment that helps keep me sane is to go ahead and create those ideas and get them out of my brain. Oh, and a lot of cheap wine…
that's only because they're so non-creative themselves that they can't see the beauty in anyone else's creations- sometimes, if you listen to them, they even deny God's creative abilities. They're jealous …… who can't see their way out of a maze if the path is laid out for them.
actually, scientists were included in that group of creative people they're talking about in the article. i'm going to assume you don't have much of a scientific background and can't appreciate the amount of creativity that goes into it.
Scientists and their political masters are certainly good at creating a lot of problems on our planet, I'll give them that.
I was under the effects of ADHD medication, specifically vyvanse, for about 2 years before I got the guts to tell my parents about what it did to me. It completely took away my creativity (I'm a musician and photographer, those went away completely) and even had me in a self made noose multiple times, although I at least had the sense not to try it.
I do not think psychiatric treatment is more subtle these days. The day to day abuse that goes on in psychiatric facilities is horrific. If the patients don’t do as they are told they are dragged into a seclusion room, held down by 8 to 10 staff members and drugged against their will. Sometimes the staff decide to humiliate a patient, so they strip them completely naked and leave them naked for hours, whilst they watch them through a window in the door. This is often done to women who are rapped and it is usually male staff members who watch them through the window. Also if the patient attempts to hide their private parts, about 8 to 10 staff members will run into the room and drag the patient across the floor by the legs then pin her arms down whilst holding her legs up and spread apart; they then drug the patient, singer at her and finally leave the room to continue monitoring her through the window.
Many women in psychiatric hospitals get raped by staff members and or male patients; if they report it they are told it is in their head and given higher doses of drugs, whilst the perpetrator is allowed to continually taunt them. Some women have even fallen pregnant and the babies have been taken away from them, then put up for adoption.
Psychiatric patients are still given ECT against their will and from time to time lobotomies are performed without the patients consent. It is not uncommon for psychiatric patients to be tied to beds for hours or even days at a time and left in their own excrement. Patients are frequently assaulted and verbally abused by staff members. Yes psychiatric treatment has improved a little in the last 40 years as the patient are no longer expected to eat off the floor, but that’s about the only improvement they have seen.
I think walking on two legs is a mental illness.
Worst article ever written. Whoever wrote this absolutely does not understand mental illness nor has ever had to live with it. There is no scientific evidence to back it up just a couple quotes of scientific people. The DSM has thousands upon thousands of scientific research to prove its statements. Show me one study in this entire article. Pure trash.
Define "normality"; a state of being that is deemed "acceptable" by the greater part of society, maybe. A category into which very few people fit perfectly.
The way things are going, we'll ALL be labelled as in need of drug treatment; great money-spinner for the pill companies.
What a boring race we would be, without creativity, inventiveness, sculptures, paintings, gadgets, beautiful buildings, etc etc.
Someone talked about left and right brain activity. Yes it is true that left brain stuff is the stuff of order, logic and control. Many of us (including myself) lean that way by our general nature; however I also have strong right-brained interests that counterbalance. Many people do. The "stuff" of the right brain is considered flimsy, vacuous and unimportant; no doubt politicians would love the populus to be totally left-brain and (as someone said already) easily controlled.
Therefore yes, use the MSM to bang it into people's minds that creativity is a sign of illness and, eventually, scare people witless so that they stop drawing, crafting, sculpting, building, etc for fear of men in white coats coming along to medicate them. One might laugh…….but there are some folk out there who are hellbent on making it happen.
Wow! way to marginalize a whole section of the population! I love to write. I love interior design, drawing and flower arranging. Where are the men in white coats to take me away? I think that educating yourself in regards to health by watching the evening news is the most ludicrous way to become informed. There is always an agenda with main sources of news. They'll spout off whatever information as long as they get paid handsomely enough!
Melissa i agree w/ you fully- alternative, truth media internet/radio is where i get my news too. Since i'm awake now for the past 4 years my life has taken a full 180. My health is 100% better everything is better- after the initial shock of it all however, went thru the stages one goes thru when a loved one dies- denial, sadness, anger, and then finally acceptence. W/ acceptence i'm in action for the most part on what to do spiritually, financially, and health wise, life is now an adventure never a dull moment once your eyes are wide open-
Creating a drug for creativity illness becomes a parodox. After all, who wants to take a drug that was created by someone that is mentally ill?
Sir, this is an important piece of writing. My experiences, and my training as a social psychologist, have led me to the same conclusion. What is the next step, now that enough people are aware of what you have stated here? (I do not believe a psyche exists and wear my professional mantel with discomfort. I did not train in 'clinical psychology.')
I'd like to think that isn't the case. I know some a lot of perfectly sane people with considerable creative skills.
Yes, but please understand; if creative people are allowed to roam unchallenged the ability of Big Brother to condition us like robots (to make us uncreative) is not complete.