1. This article is missing information. He quotes studies and mentions effectiveness of oils… BUT HOW are the oils used? Topically? internally? topically anywhere there is soft fatty tissue or topically at the site of the problem. Lungs…? topically, inhaled? Please give information that people can actually use, otherwise, all the other information is impotent. Thanks.

    1. Ed @ www.carcinoid-cancer.com says:

      I wrote a whole post on this exact problem. Take a look if you have time. The post talks about “in vitro” vs. “in vivo” tests. There’s a big difference. You can read about it here – http://www.carcinoid-cancer.com/en-vitro-en-vivo/

    2. Anthony Tiner says:

      Well let’s see essential oils are normally aPPlied on bottom of feet, chest, back, ears, charkra, and wrist

  2. These studies were all done with the cancer cells, and bacteria in vitro, meaning all of the cells were tested outside of their biological context (i.e. test tubes). This just shows that we don’t have a real idea on how these oils will react with the same cells within the human body. I have all the hope in the world that the answer to a lot of the worlds cancer problems, is something natural, like thyme, but a lot more research is going to be needed to get a solid idea of how these oils will perform when attempting to interact with cells in the human body.

  3. maybeperfect says:

    Investigate Nigella Sativa

  4. Tu Ne Cede Malis says:

    Here I am trying to find factual information for a loved one who is terminal with cancer. The first link of research is about Rosemary and doesn’t even give mention of Thyme or Chamomile. The second link only states that Thyme was the most effective of the 10 oils tested. I’m not certain where you’re getting these percentages, however, they’re not in your links. Without real datum this article is only doing a dis-service to those looking for holistic answers.

  5. I’m totally on board! Did you see the internet mini-series on The Truth About Cancer, episode 2? Oh, my! Truly eye opening and the doctors explain the power of essential oils. I use them with amazing results on my clients everyday!

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