1. The first step in any kind of change is to address your thoughts. I’m a huge believer in this concept and it’s something I’m always encouraging my own clients to address in their lives. A positive outlook has so many benefits and every time new research comes out I’m quick to share it!

    I work with people who are working to overcome chronic musculoskeletal pain through the use of The Egoscue Method of Posture Alignment Therapy. The first key in change is to change the mind (what you think about your current circumstance and the body’s ability to heal and be well). Learning to adopt a positive outlook is absolutely crucial no matter what habit or life pattern you are trying to change/turn around.

    Thanks so much for posting! You know I’ll be passing it along!

  2. Ronald Bosch, MPH, R says:

    In my experience healing and being happy are closely linked. I would not be surprised if at one point we'd find physical and emotional interacting factors that contribute to overcoming ill health. We already know some of them but more data would strengthen our understanding and ways to use them in a positive way.

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