Report: 100% of Corn in Frito-Lay SunChips Samples is ‘Completely GMO’

Bad news: Frito-Lays SunChips have just tested positive for weed killer and GMO ingredients. The chips are marketed as a ‘healthy’ alternative to regular chips as a means to lessen the chance of developing heart disease, but if your dining on Round Up (glyphosate residues) and GM Bt toxins found in most genetically modified corn, then ‘healthy’ as Frito-Lay defines it takes on a new meaning.
Samples were sent to a lab by They used quantitative PCR test verification by DNA analysis only to find that 100% of the chips contained DNA sequences known to be present in insecticide-producing Bt and Roundup Ready corn, as well as traces of the active ingredient known as glyphosate, used in Monsanto’s best-selling herbicide, Roundup.
The glyphosate residue test was conducted by an accredited lab using the Specific LC/MS/MS testing method with a minimum detectable level of 0.02 ppm. This test proved the presence of glyphosate in SunChips at a level of 0.14 ppm, or 0.14 mg/kg. This is a significant enough level to cause concern, but really, any residue level at all, even in miniscule amounts, is linked to ill health.
Busted: Popular ‘Non-GMO’ Chips Contain 75% GMOs
PepsiCo, the owner of Frito-Lay, has been one of the largest monetary contributors to campaigns against GMO labeling. Pepsi contributed over $8.1 million to defeat citizens’ ballot initiatives in California ($2,485,400), Washington ($1,620,899), Colorado ($1,650,000), and Oregon ($2,350,000), and spent an additional $5.06 million on lobbying in 2013 ($2,720,000) and 2014 (first 2 quarters of 2014: $2,340,000).
For all of those GM supporters who think the results are biased:
“The glyphosate residue test was conducted by an accredited lab using the Specific LC/MS/MS testing method with a minimum detectable level of 0.02 ppm. The test documented the presence of glyphosate in SunChips at a level of 0.14 ppm, or 0.14 mg/kg. As we reported in the findings of our Froot Loops testing, this gives significant reason for concern.”
There is a growing body of scientific evidence which indicates that glyphosate bio-accumulates in our bodies. It has been linked to endocrine disorders, autism, cancer, and reproductive health issues.
One MIT scientist, Dr. Stephanie Seneff, says that glyphosate is one of the worst toxins in the environment – yet we put it in our bodies daily with companies like PepsiCo selling their products.
Looks like Pepsi’s dirty secret has been left out in the sun.
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The Lethal Dose Level (50) of glyphosate (roundup) is 5,600 mg/kg. This means you’d have to eat the equivalent 40,000 kg (88,185 lbs) of Doritos in one sitting before you’d have a 50% probability of dying from a toxic exposure from glyphosate.
With this stuff accumulating in your body over time…I wonder what side-effects end up getting passed on to your offspring because your DNA is polluted?
Exactly. That is exactly what Big Agra and Monsanto do not want us to question or know. In the future, I believe, we will find out.
try not polluted, but altered….DNA can only copy the DNA that exists in the egg or sperm, and it if becomes damaged, damaged is what will be copied to your kids. Hey! Maybe that is the entire purpose of the product.
the thing to do people, is educate 10 people in chainletter fashion (ask them to do the same) and start NOT buying corn syrup products (all sodas), corn products (from corn meal to corn starch, to corn itself) and make these companies sorry they ever thought USA consumers would agree to eat their products. After they see these items boycotted and public’s awareness, they have no choice but to withdraw their GMO tainted goods and hope to resurrect their respective industries, with clean replaced crops.