1. If I was a superstitious person, I would probably belive that big pharma is run by Satan, and all execs are devil worshipers – but that would be just plain to weird.

    1. no that would be correct.

  2. It's a little Late to Bar the Gates, Kate… Big Pharma Has been dumping this crap into the water for years, So weather you take this drugs or Not, You are taking these drug…
    But Hell Why not?? After all we have been medicated without our permission for over 60 Years with Water Fluoridation which is the by product of industry in the for of Smokestack Scrubber waste…
    Indusrt is said to pollute the bioshper3 to the tume of $5 Billions Dollars a year, But now that number is probably closer to $10 Billion a Year…
    With the Help of Congress, Don't expect this to stop anytime soon…
    THis is Simply Agenda 21 in action, and it seems to be working Beautifully… Congress is GREAT at Killing us but all thumbs when it comes toHelping …
    It is Plain and simple, Through All of these Frackers in Jail, ALL OF THEM…

  3. Joan McDaniel says:

    I am recovering from being sick, run down by my consumption of the American Diet which is void of any nutrition. I began to investigate nutrition and found a way to eat to regain my strength. I have not yet reached the Detox level yet but am working toward it. It takes time.
    Read my story at my web site listed above. I am a nurse I see lots and lots of medications just thrown away. A rule says we can not keep meds if they are older than 1 month.

  4. Joan McDaniel says:

    I don't use facebook. I just dislike it. But I have your sites and will keep in touch. Too busy right now. It has been a while.

  5. I worked oncology at hosp's in NC and Ga and they
    both dumped the chemo drugs down the sink.
    They either did not have a clue or just didn't care.

  6. thats disgusting. i hate living in fear because other people are dumb and greedy and ruin it for everyone else!!! i just want to have a family and live my life happily and not have babies who are severely retarded because I drank water and ate GMO food all my life. WTF. 2012… not the end of the world, but is a time that we can all choose to become more conscious. lets show em who is in charge. THE PEOPLE.!!

  7. Love this article. Water quality is a big issue right now and many people still live in ignorance as to what's in drinking water, and the amount of unwanted toxins that are going into their bodies. Thanks for the article and informing the public about water.

    1. I have a very good water filter made by Nikken, a Japanese company. It sits on my kitchen counter, has many layers of filters and has rocks for necessary minerals to be added to the purified water. I would never trust my tap water without first having it filtered.

      1. I was surprised when I called NIKKEN last year to ask what exactly their countertop aquapour gravity water filter was filtering out of my water: not enough (not even flouride!) Will you call them yourself and post the answer here as I never got a pdf/brochure? Thanks.

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