1. I'm completely convinced that total health and wellness involves mind, body and spirit. Our thoughts shape our actions and habits. As an Egoscue Approved Postural Therapy provider, I'm constantly coaching my clients that overcoming chronic pain also involves our thoughts. Do you believe you can be well? Do you believe that your body can heal? A positive outlook makes such a difference. I've seen it time and time again. Thanks for posting! Always love the articles and share them often with my readers!

  2. A laugh a day helps keep the doctor away. People who are optimistic expect a favorable outcome. They also tend to focus on the most hopeful aspects of a situation. Studies suggest that people who expect the best things in life actively take steps to promote health and well-being. Being optimistic may have a protective effect on stroke because of the behavior choices optimistic people tend to make, such as exercising, eating a healthy diet, or taking vitamins, the researchers say. However, some evidence indicates positive thinking may have a strictly biological effect as well. "We know from many other studies that patients' attitudes can be incredibly powerful." Goldstein cautions, the study does not show that optimism causes lower stroke risk, simply that the two are associated. Optimism may be a marker for other behaviors or issues that weren't measured. "Still," he continues, "having a positive attitude certainly can't hurt."
    Linda — VLCNW Student

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