1. I do since I care about my food!

  2. How Not To Play The Game says:

    ………considering that most of the medical industrial complex is wholly owned and operated by fascists that do not have our best interest at heart, I disregard much of what it advises simply because it is pure BS.

  3. Sean Stout says:

    Why you’d have to me mentally ill to not want to eat GMOs.


    1. June Ribaldi says:

      Sean stout. Let’s be. Brother an sister. Aadore your post. Aligned with my way of thing. Come friend me

      1. Sean Stout says:

        We are friends! We are friends in the fight against having GMOs forced down our throats and the name calling we get if we don’t want to go along with their indoctrination.

  4. I think this article is a little inflamatory. It’s possible and even easy to get sucked into nutrition and go “too far”. You’re painting with a very broad stroke.

    1. FreeMann9 says:

      Health consequences like living better and longer?
      ….hmmm….can’t have that…people won’t die off fast enough…
      …social security is already insolvent.

      1. It’s not a binary system. Food isn’t just “good” or “bad” for you there’s a whole spectrum. You need to strike a balance.

    2. sabelmouse says:

      those inclined toward eating disorders/ocd are likely to turn healthy eating as well as exercising into an disorder, that’s how it really works.
      and people like this, myself included, tend to be attracted to extremes be it paleo or veganism.

  5. Greg Hill says:

    That raises an interesting question. I wonder what kind of “disorder” I have on the grounds that I stopped taking and refuse to ever take again any of the Big Pharma poisons that several years ago came within a hair of killing me.

    1. sabelmouse says:

      true, but does not preclude that for some healthy eating becomes and obsessive disorder.
      not because they eat healthy, the other way around.

    2. June Ribaldi says:

      Me as well. Hmm let’s make a name up ,before they do

  6. Bo Sweeney says:

    Now all we healthy eaters can apply for disability ………..

    1. FreeMann9 says:

      yeah….but then you have to go to the doctor bi-monthly to certify you’re not regaining the corporately promoted morbidity….
      …They would probably have a pill for that.

    2. Undecider says:

      If you want government, you’re going to get government.

  7. FreeMann9 says:

    I must be crazy.

    After a severe knee injury, and multiple pharmaceuticals and two surgeries, I gained an enormous amount of weight, and inside a period of about two years went from 200 to almost 300 lbs.

    By cutting out fluoridated, chlorinated water, all pharmaceuticals, all processed foods that are laden with preservatives and artificial colors and flavors, forgoing anything with MSG, or high fructose ( or any other kind of) corn syrup, forsaking all corn except blue organic, avoiding GMO soy, eating only whole grain products, diversifying grains with more natural ones like amaranth and quinoa, and learning to fall in love with the idea of stairs and walking and casual bicycle riding,, I have in the period of two years, went from almost 300 lbs back down to a near ideal weight of 180 lbs.

    I could have kept eating all of the crap they try to call food and gotten a gastric band or even a coveted intestinal bypass surgery. What a missed opportunity!

    I could have had to go to the doctor more often and developed an in depth relationship with his arrogant, over educated, narcissistic self, and been a richer, better blessed person by virtue of my experience with him and the poisons he prescribes. What a missed opportunity!!

    I could have felt like crap more often and been lethargic and uncomfortable in my own skin, unable to enjoy 5 mile walks through the park with my sons or our dog,enjoying the conversation we share, or longer bicycle rides with them through different parts of the city, and instead, sat at the house and not missed so many wonderfully enlightening commercials on wholesome, highly educational cable TV. What a missed opportunity!!!

    I could have kept eating corporate products and chemicals and developed a whole myriad of health issues ranging from erectile disfunction to debilitatingly painful malignant tumors, and really experienced what it’s like to be a victim of our society’s deviation from what is good, natural, nutritious, and God-given. What a missed opportunity!!!!

    I must be Crazy 🙂
    ….”They” just better never try to lock me up for it!

    1. June Ribaldi says:

      Yay. Glad your here with us. Well done.

      1. FreeMann9 says:

        It was really easier than one would think. Being muscular most my life, it actually came easier than it might for some due to differences in muscle mass, due to the higher number of mitochondria (little cellular level energy engines) in muscle cells (4x other cells)…. but it does give you a different perspective. I know what it’s like to need a wheelchair. I know what it’s like to have to look at a trip to Walmart riding an electric cart as a highlight of the day. I know what it’s like to be looked down on because of being fat, even by loved ones, even a wife (ex) of 20 years (pot calling the kettle here). When I see people like I was, I want to try to reach out and help, but realize many don’t want to tackle the change it takes, mostly because they think it’s too hard or not even possible. Faith in ourselves is sometimes so hard to personally manifest, but we all can if we really want it and act each day on that faith. Anatomy, physiology and nutrition classes were enlightening to a point, but by forgoing even some of the things taught there, developing and improving my own diet and life for me, and getting a bit closer to The Creator, were all major factors listed in reverse relevance.
        All I know is Life Rocks!…and at 5’6 and 51 yrs old, it feels pretty good to run with my sons. I am gifted and blessed beyond what I can write in words.

  8. Guy Rocky says:

    If I die from NOT eating GMO food and throwing my statins in the bin then that is MY decision.

    1. June Ribaldi says:

      Good job. Keep it up 70% of the population still believe GMOs ate safe.

  9. sabelmouse says:

    yes i do, it’s part of my general eating disorder.

      1. sabelmouse says:

        you’re very much oversimplifying and exaggerating.

        1. Sean Stout says:

          Actually I think you are.

  10. Skeptologist says:

    Good grief. Just because you make an effort to eat healthy does not mean anyone is going to say you suffer from orthorexia nervos. Do at least a little bit of research Anthony. No, shopping at the farmers market and looking for organic or non-GMO products does not qualify as having orthorexia nervos.

    Orthorexia nervos is being presented as a new classification of eating disorder that arises when people become so strict in their goal of “healthy” eating that it becomes an obsessions that interferes with their lives and their health. If a person has restricted him or herself to a very limited number of specific foods because he or she believes these are the only ones they can eat to remain “healthy”, when in reality they have caused themselves malnutrition, that person may be suffering from what some experts are being to call ‘orthorexia nervos’.

    1. June Ribaldi says:

      Othroexia sounds like someone sleeping in thoses chemical mattereas with springs

  11. Loisteehee says:

    These psychiatric officials are full of it. No science. No tests. Pure garbage to hook people on drugs.

  12. Joe American says:

    Exactly.Up is down and down up.Good is evil and evil good.

    1. Sean Stout says:

      You know what? Al Gore said almost that exact quote in 1992 while campaigning with that sex addict Billy Clinton and his lesbian wife Hillary. It’s more true now than ever.

  13. That’s really hard to take serious as it sounds so crazy. This “orthorexia nervosa” seems to be funneling people into the medical system no matter what we choose. If we choose to eat junk food we may likely become physically ill yet judged as sane. On the other hand if we choose to eat healthy food we will likely avoid physical illness yet be judged as insane.
    Of course there is a magic pill available (or by force) to cure our health food obsessed insanity and make us want to eat junk food again like normal people. When we’re held in the psychiatric hospital for eating too healthy the psychiatric staff will monitor our meals to ensure we’re happily gobbling down our GMO junk foods and returning to sanity.
    Who knew that the pharmaceutical cartels would become so greedy and desperate that a strong desire for a healthy diet could be twisted into another mental illness treatable with psychiatric medication?

  14. Barsoomian says:

    If you protest this diagnosis, then you have Oppositional Defiant Disorder.

    And if you protest that diagnosis, then that only proves you have ODD.

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