1. I have the reason for the differance for the divergences between theAmerican report and that of the Austrian
    => Austians probably did not check to see how much Cesium 234 or 237 accumulated in thier bodies .from Chernobile ..or how much GM soy ….with it’s load of glycophosphates a demineraliser and hormone disruptor ; and the effects of estrogen mimicing substances that they contain or know that vegetarians may drink juices that contain “citric acides” which are not lemon juice but produced by GMO black molds..known to be the catalyst of numerous allergies not to mention proceced palm seed oil , canola oil* lin seed oil coton seedoil*or even sunflower seed oil
    On he other hand , eating too much meat especialy dark meats leads to goït or jaunisse.Amricans must know that your regular meats contain synthetic growth hormones ; antibioticsetc .. and are fed GMO soy …some are cloned and some are made from animal feces ! Neither of theses studies includes soft drink consumptions ..

  2. keeperofthefire says:

    been a vegetarian since 1965 and i say bull crap to this so called research!!organic,home grown whole foods,no processed junk foods equals healthy,if you can stay away from chemtrails/cell phones etc!!

  3. How absurd! A well rounded vegetarian diet is much healthier for humans. One negative study weighed up against all the positive studies doesn’t hold much weight. Beggars the question, why they keep doing these studies when it’s proven beyond doubt the benefits of organic whole vegetarian foods. Silly really.

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