1. Robin Raven says:

    This is excellent news. I’ve always felt the only real votes we have that matter are in the form of dollars. Horray for all organic consumers who helped to turn this tide!

  2. Steven Carlyle Smith says:

    They are moving away from trading their customer’s health for ad dollars. Unlike Walmart, CVS and Walgreens.

  3. And sadly Target is leaving Canada 🙁

  4. Target took a hard hit when they were hacked. They expanded into Canada to fast and now they’re closing all 133 stores up there. The Target in my area has bare shelves everywhere. 1st sign of hard times. They also are having a major layoff.They know people are sick of the toxic made in China junk, and the food. Governor Mark Dayton is meeting with Targets new CEO Brian Cornel today about the layoffs for sure, and possibly a new direction. This could very well be a game changer for them. The Dayton’s are no longer part of what was called Dayton Hudson Corp.

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