1. amazing what they will do…

    1. I’m afraid it’s wolves vs lambs. People (lambs) want to trust. They know subconsciously that realizing and acknowledging deep deceit (wolves’ ruthlessness) could ruin their innocence, make them cynical.

      1. we need more sheepdogs. aware of, but not corrupted by, those that wish to prey on the weaker among us.
        sniffing out wolves clothed as sheep and howling about it until the herd takes notice

  2. Undecider says:

    The time and money may be better spent to educate consumers to not buy anything not labeled as GMO-free. The big corporations will have no choice but to get on the bandwagon. This is a lot cheaper than challenging them head to head.

    1. FDA= F'n Die Already says:

      FDA says it will not allow labels like “GM-free,” “GMO-Free” or “biotech-free.” The
      agency says guaranteeing a product to be free of GM material is virtually
      impossible. Instead the labels will have to say the food was not produced
      through bioengineering. The FDA said it may take legal action against
      companies that violate these guidelines.

  3. It’s hilarious to watch Corporations throw money tantrums like children. There’s nothing they can do about it; the people will eventually stop purchasing from these GMO brands in favour of healthier farmer’s markets and reputable health food stores. Many already grow their own food. It’s not impossible, you just need to read up on it and manage your time effectively!
    Keep on crying and kicking your feet Monsanto, you’re getting a time out whether you like it or not.

  4. It IS true GMO labeling IS bound to increase food prices,well, processed food. Look at all the money they are spending to fight labeling! Where do you think they will recupe those expenses.From just over $4.00 per vote in California to $11.78 per no vote in Washington,I am estimating $22.00 for Oregon, Not sure about Colorado..the more anti Label GMO campaigns there are will certainly raise food prices! Grow gardens, share fresh food, don’t panic, go Organic!

    1. LilaSincere says:

      But nearly everyone uses condiments, jams, jelly, cooking oil, taco shells, packaged foods. Growing fresh veggies is only one part of eating. Some how, some way we must get GMOs banned all together.
      More foods are labeling No High Fructose that helps a little. HFCS harms the liver and probably the pancreas too.

  5. I do not think we will ever convince the typical consumer that GMO foods are bad for you. But I think we can portray how ridiculous the argument that food prices will go up by adding some ink to a package. All major food companies are very automated and know the sources of their ingredients. Computers have been around a while

  6. Good article. Where did you get the cash numbers?

  7. John Adams says:

    The latest on the Monssanto issue
    look deep int ROUND UP !!
    – guess what…
    it kills PEOPLE

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