1. Incredible Kluh says:

    Growth is a Law. There is NO law made by men… only opinion. I have no right to force you to do anything on my behalf, and neither does anyone have the right to force me to do things on their behalf. Not if you are one, and therefore not if you are many. Democracy is tyranny and we will get rid.

  2. el Gallinazo says:

    I am against the legalization of marijuana. I feel it would impose undue hardship on the CIA balance sheet and cause the Fed to invent even more faux money to support it.

  3. el Gallinazo says:

    In addition to putting a dent in the CIA revenues and balance sheet, though admittedly a small one, as heroin and cocaine are far more important revenue sources, the legalization of marijuana would have other devastating economic consequences. It would decimate the growth and profitability of the private prison industry in the USA, as well as throw a lot of state and federal persecutors out of work. Release of prisoners and dismissal of guards would raise unemployment causing the Bureau of Labor Statistics increasing difficulty fabricating their results. Marijuana’s superior fiber potential would threaten the petrochemical industry, and its superior paper qualities the forestry industries. As a biofuel source, legalization would threaten the GMO corn industry and Monsanto, and its superior medicinal qualities, not the least its anti cancer activity, would threaten Big Pharma and the huge cancer industrial complex composed of physician specialists, hospitals, toxic medicine producers, morgues, funeral parlors, cemeteries, and crematoria. It would put a pall on the high end sea side villa industry as many elected officials around the world would lose a major revenue stream from their cut. All and all, legalization is a terrible idea. The global economy is already in bad shape.

  4. gmo2ashes says:

    Any so-called legalization of cannabis (a plant that should have no restrictions whatsoever) always results in the corrupt US government taxing cultivation to distribution – a wealth extraction scheme that diminishes the benefits. You still have restrictions and continued incarceration – the only change is who gets the money.

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