1. I fail to see how GM crops are related to the Transhumanism Ideas for advancing humanity.
    That is a bit like me writing an article about the dangers of microwave towers, and then using that negative premise to divulge into a sporadic attack on artificial limbs.

    1. The bodies are genetically modified/cloned. I see you are a Singularity proponent. You should understand even top Singularity heads warn against this.

    2. You can find this discussed in a video on YouTube where it is explained that gmo is the stepping stone into pushing for transhumanist projects in the timeline. Getting genetically modified vegetation ACCEPTED leading to genetically modified ANIMALS ACCEPTED (by society) leading to genetically modified human beings etc etc thus escalating as so.

  2. Great article by the way

  3. Every citizen of this country should BAN together and FORCE the U.S. government to LISTEN and STOP GMO Everything. Perhaps everyday protests in front of the White House will draw attention to the President, Congress and all politicians to this VERY IMPORTANT Issue.
    Obviously all politicians have to be shown to be ethical and caring of the health of its citizens. We are the people who have elected them and if the majority of U.S. citizens are against GMO advancements, and I am sure that most Americals are smart enough to know that Monsanto, Dow and BIG Pharma etc. are ruining our health, then they should listen and force these Big Corporations to STOP GMO EVERYTHING! These corporations should be wiped off the face of the earth!
    We have more diseases and health problems TODAY than ever before!
    I Wonder Why?

  4. Patti Jo Edwards says:

    The people in power know all about GMOs. After-all, they eat organic. If you want to stop this, you have to take away their source of money. This is about informing the uninformed and correcting the misinformed. Too often we are preaching to the choir. To reach the people who go to fast food restaurants, look at their menus: Pictures and few words. Christians care about God as creator and will be horrified to learn what is being done to God's creations. Pagans are mostly already on board. Farmers want to make money. Show them that non-GMO farms are more profitable. Teachers are dealing with the negative health effects on children. Make it easy for them to teach the children about GMOs. The children will teach the parents. Weight Watchers should have organic ingredients as GMO causes obesity and premature aging. This is an approach that will appeal to all health clubs and athletic organizations. People have been programed to believe eating organic foods is expensive and takes too much time. This is not true. We must teach the misinformed how to purchase and prepare whole foods, because they simply do not know. For gardeners: the truth about RoundUp and to use, instead, alternates like white distilled vinegar. Do not purchase BigAg biotech seeds, their food, their products. Walk the talk by eating and serving non-GMO. Everyone in my life is adopting organic foods and products because they want to have glowing skin and excellent health just like my husband and I. Reach out to your community through the local news paper, fliers on a bulletin board, children's songs. People are sick of being sick. They are motivated and ready. We can help them by planting the seeds of change – organic seeds.

  5. Can this website post all the links for Avaaz.org for people to sign petitions for:
    1. Stop Monsanto in Mexico
    2. Stop the Frankenfish Attack
    3. Petiton for the Dismantling of Monsanto
    4. EU: Ban Bee Poison
    There may be many more?
    Avaaz.org is the World in Action Petion site. If more people know about this website and sign the petions, perhaps something could be done about Monsanto, GMO's and all the organizations that are destroying our planet.

    1. Z............ says:

      You are right, something big have to be organised. What we talk here about GMO is not going no where.

  6. I like the idea of having antibiotic, spermicidal, and vaccine GMO food.

  7. Anna Marie Carter says:

    It is going big places, in plain sight.
    We are growing all of our own food, creating VAP’s and going Vegan, from food we grow indoors!
    We have real seeds…

  8. I am a transhumanist. If GMOs were labeled I would specifically seek them out. Why? Because any excuse to do genetic engineering is a good excuse.
    And just to push your button’s one last time, I think the sort of genetic engineering we see in scifi supersoldiers sounds awesome. I’m only half joking.

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