1. blank mothman777 says:

    The idea that red wine will help anyone avoid dementia is totally mistaken. Alcohol is a depressant and will totally cripple people's minds. It produces a depressed brain wave which then has a knock on effect over the mental functions for many days after alcohol has left the body. The thing is that research does not get properly correlated and updated.

    The facts are this, that there is a compound in red grapes that benefits the brain that of course also occurs in red wine, but it also occurs in just the same amount in grape juice too without it being fermented. 4% of all alcohol in beer is methyl alcohol which will rot your brain away; plum brandy being the worst offender for presence of methyl alcohol, and vodka is the least offender, as long as it is genuine and not the commonly sold fake vodka containing brain-damaging anti-freeze, which is very commonly sold in corner shops as the real thing with fake labels.

    Please do not damage yourselves with alcohol thinking you will protect your brain. There are dozens of richer sources of antioxidants than wine, and doctors suggesting wine to protect the brain are total ignoramuses to suggest this quack remedy.

  2. blank Norma Morrow says:

    Simplistic, worthless reporting. I'm much surprised.

  3. There is so much dememtia in our county. This information will be of importantce to these people. We have had several friends from our church that are battling dememtia and several have died from this. It is so sad.

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