1. ArdentRationalist says:

    I’d like to know what “toxins”, specifically, are being removed. If you can’t provide the chemical name of “toxins” being removed, along with before and after testing to show a decrease in levels of these “toxins” after consuming turmeric, then there isn’t really any evidence to support these claims. Be careful of “detox” claims. More often than not, the only thing being removed from you is money from your wallet.

    1. sure Einstien…Tumeric a natural de toxifier…all items are available at the grocer and can be found in most kitchen cupboards..they are not selling anything but free healthful information…are you really that stupid, or are you a troll trying to spread mis information.

      1. ArdentRationalist says:

        A natural “de toxifier” of what specifically? What compounds does it neutralize/remove?

        1. Many studies out there, simply Google ‘Turmeric health benefits’

          A bit of research will guide you ArdentRationalist.

  2. Nice article, Tumeric is a great detoxifyer along with ginger..thanks!

  3. dulce balsamo says:

    ..bless you for your works, and for this wonderful info..

  4. Is it ok to put one teaspoon in my protein drink every day?

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