1. These coffee studies that show benefits ought to fall on deaf ears. As much good as it can do is far overcome by the many ways it does damage to an individuals health. It would be nice if natural health sites would recognize this and stop posting this kind of stuff that feeds the incredible coffee addict population.
    Many better ways to do what it says coffee can do without all the health hazards.

    How about eating Real Foods, cinnamon and no vaccines to do the same for starters?

    1. hummingbird says:

      Previous studies have shown that moderate amounts of coffee consumed over long periods of time can enhance memory performance, particularly when it comes to repetitive, monotonous tasks; others have suggested that consuming large amounts of coffee can reduce performance due to over-stimulation.

      I guess reading and comprehension is not your strength. Maybe a cup of coffee could help?

      1. Addicted to coffee or junk science articles funded by coffee industry PR machine?

        So many better ways to avoid T2 Diabetes than drinking a foul beverage that can quickly make one an addict.

        The funny thing here is a decent site has people pushing bad habits as beneficial and parading it as “scientific” – and people buying into it all to their own demise.

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