1. By the way, do some research on environmental fluoride. Fluoride has been shown to bond with calcium in nature, which makes it less dangerous.

    Yet, the industrial-grade fluoride in the tap water (a by-product of aluminium manufacturing) is quite hazardous indeed.

    I filter my water with fluoride filters, and you should too. Let's get this gunk out of the tap water.

    1. where did you get your fluoride filters? i have been searching for some.

  2. I read the referenced Harvard study on nih.gov. It's only 17 pages and pretty readable. Seems like real results by real scientists, not crackpot claims by people in tin foil hats. I'm convinced fluoride lowers IQ.

    Here's a scary pair of quotes:

    From the study:

    Supporting the plausibility of our findings, rats exposed to 1 ppm (50 Smol/L) of water-fluoride for one year showed morphological alterations in the brain and increased levels of aluminum in brain tissue compared with controls (Varner et al. 1998)

    From colgate.com:

    Colgate® PreviDent® 5000 Booster Prescription Strength Toothpaste (Rx Only)

    Important Safety Information:

    PreviDent 5000 Sensitive (1.1% Sodium Fluoride, 5% Potassium Nitrate) is a dental caries preventative and a sensitive teeth toothpaste for patients 12 years of age and older.

    1.1% = 1100 ppm ~= 1000X higher than the rat-brain-altering amount.


    MIT-trained engineer

  3. Do you eat your toothpaste??? . I think you've been drinking to much fluoridated water or maybe you do eat your toothpaste. I think you've been drinking a little too much of the water

    1. Toothpaste is absorbed through the pallet and into the bloodstream, FYI.

  4. David Smith says:

    You don't have to stop using toothpaste all together. You can switch to a fluoride free toothpaste as a safety precaution and above all a healthy diet. If you are constantly consuming unhealthy snacks that degrade your enamel there is no amount of fluoride that will save you. And I think we need to be more specific when discussing fluorde. We are not talking about Calcium fluoride found naturally in nature we are talking about sodium fluorde a toxic substance that your body has no need for.

  5. David Dangle says:

    Doesn't hurt to be safe than sorry. You don't have to stop using toothpaste altogether. Just buy a fluoride free toothpaste which is much better than regular toothpaste anyway. The best thing you can do is switch to a healthy diet. If you are eating unhealthy processed sugary foods and drinking soda there is no amount of fluoride that will help you. Water fluoridation gives people an excuse to neglect their oral health.

  6. PS – for 'gisellewilding' – yes, fluoride and aluminium both have physiological roles. They are involved in the physiology of G-proteins, which are essential for intercellular communication in multicellular organisms like us.

    Scientists who discovered and investigated G-proteins won Nobel prizes in 1994 and this year.

    From an evolutionary standpoint it ought not be surprising that we have incorporated highly reactive elements like F and Al into our physiology.

  7. Re: Seriously?
    "The average loss in IQ was reported as a standardized weighted mean difference of 0.45, which would be approximately equivalent to seven IQ points for commonly used IQ scores with a standard deviation of 15.*"

    Seven IQ points strikes me as meaningful as well as significant.

  8. Alex Mendes says:

    This suddenly makes me want to think twice about using any brand of toothpaste. It also makes me curious what other teeth-cleaning alternatives there are out there.

    1. Anonymous says:

      Google how to make your own tooth soap. It works very well and is much safer

  9. Spread the word .Use baking soda instead of flouride poison toothpaste.

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