1. Robert Zraick says:

    The type of endeavor in which these ccorporations are engaged is criminal and morally indefensable and reprehensible.

    But do not exoect this to be dealt with by the present system of Justice which is equally ciminalized. And do not expect that the governments who are run by traitors to do anything to stop it.

    But I think there will come a day of reckoning for all these criminals who now populate the corporations, the governments and the banks.

    They will continue until the people are tired of a world engaged in un ending war for profit, run by an elite criminal class, devoid of any principles.

    In every way and in every aspect of human endeavor, this cancer will just grow until the people have finally had enough.

    The there will come a revolution. And the criminals will be dealt with, once and for all.

    I don't see any other way this can end.

  2. The health care industry is 1/6th of the GDP. That means for every $6 in wealth you produce on the job, $1 goes to the medical cartel. The level of collusion necessary to cause this puts the mafia to shame. But you know what? We chose this. We elected the people who sold us out, over and over again.

  3. Nick Mihaleff says:

    The idea to patent a gene is ludicrous like saying you own the air. God created those genes & you snipping one out & adding another doesn't make you the owner of the patent to that gene. The world is mad

  4. Patricia P. Tursi says:

    This is killing us, our planet and all species are endangered. I warn people that future desires to procreate may mean control of gender, IQ, occupation, talents, etc., because the corporations own your genetics. As one scientist put it, genetic engineering is forever, radiation only lasts 10,000 years. Supreme Court judges have often represented corporations that they hear cases on. They do not recuse themselves. Our court system reflects the corruption in our entire corporate-owned, and therefore fascist, society.

  5. There is an alternate argument to this subject. Is it possible for the common person to patent their own genes? In doing so your unique biology would be legally preserved. It would be not only a legal form of protection but a form of possible income. This might also mean that any company that uses your name or likeness would be liable for patent infringement if your patented genes were patented under your name and by your name.

  6. You cannot own humans. This idea alone is a criminal idea. The same goes for organ trafficking. It should be a crime to buy and sell organs. As is human trafficking. The commercialization of medicine must be reversed. The entire field of medicine must be reformed. Medicine was slowly taken over by the Rothschild and affiliated financial interests with the covert intent of monopolizing the field. The financial operators have operated by deception. Deception constitutes fraud. The financiers who today claim to own the world and currently control it must be arrested and punished for their crimes.

  7. They can try and own others but they don't me. Stuff their patenting. All intellectual property rights is theft.

  8. DOOMSDAY DAVE says:

    Well Well my friends-They can own Property and the day we were Born the Corporate State gave your Mother and Father a piece of Paper that had a name that resembled the name your Parents gave you. But what was over looked was it was in all CAP'S- That MADE THE NAME A LEGAL FICTION so if they cant communicate with a fiction Being the Corporate State and Government handles your affairs -and controls you We have been called a Carbon Based Life Form. look up David Winn Miller he has a defense and a solution to the problem.

  9. jekyllisland says:

    Nice try on the hoopla but owning a person went out with slavery – which knucklehead politician wants to get behind this one?

    If any do they will bounced out immediately, they only thing we will have to worry about is if the average person wants to give up their freedoms for safety – then we would be screwed

    Oh wait, what did I just write?

    1. Pre-med Student says:

      @jekyllisland: The patenting of a gene from human cells/tissue is not at all even related to slavery or the owning of a human being. Do the research.

  10. Purely out of curiosity, you say that genes have been being patened for 100 years. Could you expound on that a little? When was the first time a gene was patented in your opinion? Great stuff! Just curious.

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