One Comment

  1. Kathleen Chippi says:

    The CSA is a set of rules and regs that INCLUDE rules and regs for it’s “lawful” implementation. The federal government has 1 year with a one-time only, 6 month extension (so 18 months total) to prove to “we the people” that whatever substance they put on Schedule meets ALL the requirements of that Schedule…

    Schedule I substances are those that have the following findings:

    1. The drug or other substance has a high potential for abuse.

    2. The drug or other substance has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.

    3. There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision

    so since 1971–the feds have NEVER “LAWFULLY” placed cannabis on Schedule, let alone Schedule I. The Shafer Commission did the research on cannabis when congress okay-ed cannabis as Schedule I on temporary status–until the feds research was completed (1971). The Shafer Commission concluded cannabis did not ‘qualify’ for Schedule I, II or III. ( After all aspirin kills 3,500 people a year and is NOT on schedule and cannabis is non-toxic so it kills no one)….

    Nixon shredded the Shafer Commission ‘research’ and waged ‘war’ anyways. For the last 45 years the feds have never fulfilled the “lawful” procedure required by the CSA to place cannabis on Schedule (anywhere). Can we -reschedule something not lawfully on schedule? And do we need to?

    Science, sanity and humanity require cannabis NOT be on schedule in 2016….

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