1. Kenneth Smith says:

    Always helpful articles as usual.

  2. Jackie Kay says:

    I wonder why gluten isn't included in being bad for digestion as it does so much damage?

  3. Anonymous says:

    I love ginger, I brew fresh ginger for morning tea and add it with vegetable juice for preventing gassing !

  4. You contradicted yourself, yogurt,kefir are dairy, DOAH!!!

  5. hard cheese is full of vitamin k2 (raw milk kind best) raw milk great- be carefull about throwing all dairy out the window there are alot of valid studies showing that raw milk dairy and pastureized dairy are two diff animals et al. also be care full w/ some of your fermented vegi's some are full of goitegens that block iodine processing and if your hypothyroid don't eat- cabbage, brokoli, coliflower to name a few- yes and wheat is really hard on our gi track leads to leaky gut syndrome.

  6. I get the runs from water,but since buying bottled it’s fine

  7. JOHN BISCIT says:

    Thanks for this Lisa. You guys always have something for me to check out, add to my diet or avoid.
    Also always interesting to read the responses, most of which are positive. It’s to bad the resident troll has to go spoil it all through negative, non informative posts.
    Thanks again!

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