1. Anonymous says:

    I wanna go to Florida.

    1. Anonymous says:

      it's been raining for 3 days

  2. Last I heard they deemed BPA "safe" disregarding hundreds, if not thousands of professional articles. Worst than this 'decision' they are looking to promote BPS if BPA is disallowed. BPS is even MORE dangerous…are they promoting Agenda 21, the de-population agenda they call 'sustainability'??? Seems many have spoken openly about this agenda formulated at the UN I believe. Noteworthy people like H KiSSinger, bill gates, warren buffet, etc…even Oprah apparently meets privately with other 'elites' for such discussions. And W.H.O. has been implicated in contaminated vaccines given to many in Africa; the vaccines were contaminated with AIDS…seems very apparent what is at hand and it is unadulterated wickedness in high places.imho

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