1. Don Porter says:

    AMA (American Medical Assoc) and its Drs have sickened-maimed-killed Hundreds of millions of American AND we still allow it ! Chemo is a Barbaric idiocy Drs are Drug Pushers used to be Smoking Pushers.

    CURING cancer is not that hard with NO CHEMO or Radiation I did it and thousands of others have see Dr. Otto Warburg 1931 Nobel Prize winner. Many books written even by Drs.

  2. How pathetic that this goes on that no lawyer worth his salt can’t come to the aid of people in these situations?? It boggles my mind that no one in a position of power doesn’t get steaming mad and do something????????? It seriously makes my blood boil!!!!

    1. Ray Reyes says:

      Probably no money in it for the lawyers and that’s pathetic. I agree with you.

  3. whatsacomeanago says:

    The Talmudists have subverted common law, scientific rigour, religion, sexuality, and common-sense.

  4. Big phama takes one life and ruins another in pursuit of profits.

  5. legal eagle says:

    When this child dies it will be murder, and all over some outdated crap piece of protectionist legislation. This is at what cost the corrupt politicians will protect their donation/buyout sources. Eye for an eye is still on the books.

    1. April Halican says:

      Definitely one way of seeing it.

  6. Even if it is not expensive pharma, but cheap pharma (as in widely available generic drugs), sometimes the theory behind it is wrong. Recently, medical literature has reversed itself on two long term health issues. One is the idea that eating food with cholesterol in it, like eggs, causes cholesterol in the bloodstream. It appears this complex biological pathway was misunderstood and that the classic hearty breakfast should actually have eliminated carbs to promote better health. Another issue is statins, which in some people cause all sorts of dangerous conditions, such as kidney and liver failure. This has been documented in medical literature. Clearly there are problems with heart disease as one gets older but how to treat them with drugs seems elusive. Maybe drugs are not the answer to the problems.

    While it is true that many childhood cancers which were once considered hopeless seem to respond to chemotherapies, it sounds like cannabis is at least helpful in dealing with comfort issues. Treating this father with such draconian spite seems like just the sort of traumatic experience a small sick child does NOT need.

    1. JOHN BISCIT says:

      Pretty pathetic when child abusers and even animal abusers get longer sentences than someone trying to ease a child’s suffering. Lawyers and law makers mostly to blame

      1. JOHN BISCIT says:

        Sorry please accept my apologies if I offended anyone here I should have said:
        Pretty pathetic when child abusers and even animal abusers get SHORTER
        sentences than someone trying to ease a child’s suffering. Lawyers and
        law makers mostly to blame.
        This one very bad typo!

        1. April Halican says:

          Damn straight!

    2. I could not agree with you more on all of your points. I am one of those statistics that shows that a hearty and animal-based protein meal, has actually helped me lower my bad cholesterol with the elimination of carbohydrates. Thanks for sharing your knowledge, I wish we could spread this like wildfire. Pharmaceuticals are not the answer in many cases.

  7. Please start a petition!! Sad

  8. Thomas Johnson says:

    It looks like people are going to have to stop taking their kids to doctors.

  9. Austin Rollins says:

    Cannabis needs to be legalized every were…..FOR THIS REASON!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. April Halican says:

    This very depressing. May god have mercy on all of those war pigs.

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