1. isnamthere says:

    Too disgusting for amerikans. They'd rather die on the roller coaster of never ending consumerism, work-a-holic stress syndrome, reality-based television watching, unnecessary hyper-competitiveness, empire building and incarcerating each other in privatized, industrial prisons. Oh yeah, and McDonalds.

  2. Joe Bassett says:

    The SLavs which are white have been killed by the tens of millions in wars and under Communism. The whites in all western countries have been killed by the hundreds of millions. T he politicians act tough and they think they have nothing to fear from couch potatoes. They do fear the Israelis just because they can do what they want and they do. They can come into America and commit 9/11 and none of them are arrested. Only when this country falls apart if the politicians and the rich folks had to pay for their crimes, but the couch potatoes are not going after them.

  3. Jason_Wise says:

    I see Logan's Run and the Carousel in the near future if we let this sort of thing to continue.

  4. Such ‘ghoul art’ is in very poor taste.

  5. Clearly this person has too much time on their hands….

  6. BallsCapone says:

    Praise to the Great Milenko! This guy should win the award for the worlds smartest Juggalo. The Insane Clown Posse would be so incredibly proud that someone finally actually came up with a deadly carnival ride.

  7. This is horrific. Art should not be directed at finding novel ways to kill people, but rather to make this world a better place to live in for the people who do.

  8. Anonymous says:

    The man who created this ride is mentally deranged and certified insane.

    1. Awsome! how much are the tickets going to be, Alton towers are already in discusions with the creator.

      A super day out with all the family. I wonder if Disney land would be interested.

      I reckon at the end of the ride the cars automatically shoot the bodies into a furnace and staright into a pree paid plastic urn with a snapshot photo of you going down at 200mph,,,what a scream!!!.


  9. This is the funniest thing – in a sick kind of way. But we live in a sick society so …. why not?

  10. organic dream says:

    Strange freaky artiest with crazy imaginations. What I don't get is how come Julijonas Urbonas is getting all this attention from there art work, when there are so many lovely others works out there that express love. Maybe its just us humans who seek the disturbed dark side of humanity. What ever it is i,m sure Julijonas Urbonas is laughing all the way to the bank.

  11. Bankers and Governments should be the first to ride it.

  12. Let the inventor try his invention first and do a great service to humanity.

    1. agree totally,,this is evil

  13. smoke for good says:

    I'm lithuanian ,and deeply ashamed of thid guy.Very dirty and sick way to earn a million.I just tought of something interesting,that has definitely to do with this from my personal experience – every person,that committed a suicide that I know personally was LITHUANIAN.Well ,you could tell me – you are from there,naturally you know more lithuanians then anybody else.one could say.But during my life I lived in 4 different countries,got to know many different cultures pretty well,have tons of friends from all over the world,different social classes and so on…But all 5 persons ,that ended up taking their own life were lithuanians.Statistics also confitm that – my paesanos are always in one of the leaders in the world for a suicide rates.

  14. Jones covered this like 6 years ago on one of his shows because some other douchbag artist like this was selling art that was portraying childrens skulls and blood splattered everywhere and the painting sold for like 20 million or some crazy amount like that.

    Stuff like this to the luciferians that run this planet is almost aphrodisiac to them. When they have motifs like this in their home they feel it brings them power, there are plenty of artists like this though and some actually use bodily fluids painted on things that defame others, like I said they have dead children, people, the popular "piss christ" painting from two years ago, and some others that they used sexual bodily fluids in their paintings as well. go google search these things you will find it as well as the radio show where jones covered the one painting with kids and blood that sold for millions

  15. Pat Anjali says:

    Now if they made it so that only, let say 6 or so died out of the 24, then a line would wrap around the block and lines would form just to watch. Sad commentary on what today's brainwashed, drug induced, iphone obsessive, youth would do for that proverbial "high", i.e. one more way to stay out of the body/mind.

  16. Anonymous says:

    lethal injection or electric chair is more dignified for a criminal than some perverse thrill ride – it's the conglomeration of fun and death that's twisted

  17. MySaskCan says:

    The minute we start examining the remote possibility and worse, attractiveness/justification for something like this, we have lost a part of our soul, our humanity. I feel very sad.

  18. First the terminal, then the rapists and murders,then who. Granted at 24 people a ride it would take years to kill ohh let's say 2 million unwanted humans. But I personaly know of Costers that have been in operation more then 60 years.So who becomes the "riders " once the list has be cleared? You,Me,Your parents,kids? WHO???

    1. and what keeps the POWERS THAT BE from building thousands of these "killing machines"??

  19. Anyone here remember the movie "Logan's Run"? The concept is basically the same. We have truly entered into an era of insanity if we think this is acceptable!

    1. Drew from Oz says:

      True. Not to mention Soylent Green….

  20. Some people have so little faith in the greatness and ingenuity of man. First off population growth has been decelerating since 1990 and many experts predict the population to stabilize in the next 4 decades at 9-10 billion thanks to development decreasing birth rates to replacement levels or decline, like is currently the case in most of the West.

    Second, burning only a fraction of the fossil fuels we have left at our disposal will allow the development and deployment of a global grid of clean energy systems within our lifetimes. These technologies will allow us to harness vast amounts of energy that will make fossil fuels look like child's play in comparison.

    Third, new technologies and unprecedented availability of cheap energy will allow us to expand into space. This will allow the deployment of yet greater energy systems (space based solar arrays) and will also allow us to shift our resource extraction off world.

    The incredible reserves of energy and resources gained from our expansion into space will allow us to embark on the grand project of restoring the environment to its former vitality.

    The only foolish course of action would be to slow scientific, medical and technological progress right at the time they will be needed most. The solar system has more than enough resources to supply for 9-10 billion people. Stop thinking so small friend, we won't be contained to this planet much longer.

  21. I believe the world became overpopulated when Mr. Urbonas was born. Perhaps he should be the first to try out his machiner.

  22. Wonder how many tax payer dollars supported this "research" in the form of government grants?

  23. This is a grisly example of sociopathic insanity. This man's hatred of life, his fellow man and anti-christ spirit informs his inventions. Much like the evil villains in dark comic books, he appeals to those individuals in higher learning who enjoy the novel death systems proposed.

    1. Your ignorance is best illustrated by the inventor's own words: "Many people consider it positively and would love to die on it, were they terminally ill or bored of their too long life in some distant future. However, there are almost equally many skeptics and people who are extremely disgusted by the idea. The majority of the latter motivate their negativism saying that the project encourages suicide and euthanasia. Those are usually people who are either too naive to think of it as a real project, underway to be built, or they lack a sense of humour. I agree, the topic of death is a sensitive area, but I want to emphasise that I do not encourage suicide, nor do I discourage. I just take the fact that euthanasia is legal in some countries and it is executed in an extremely boring fashion, and "humane" voluntary death could be more meaningful, personal, ritualistic… On the other hand, the project could be just a sci-fi story, not much different from the cinematic or literary ones."

      It's called "knee-jerk". Reacting to something without knowing or investigating the true facts of the situation. It's also a form of manipulation to induce your knee-jerk reaction by publishing incomplete information. You should shy away from these sources of information that do this to you.

  24. Dude, check out this coaster. It's killer.

  25. Lightseeker says:

    I have never understood why mankind is relentlessly bent on self destruction. Oh, he will get what he

    is seeking but he wont be here to SEE his dream come true.

  26. True Love Mission Ce says:

    The LORD our God who knows all of these events has permitted it so as to righteously judge evil & all his human agents. Jesus is the final athority that can deliver any from the terrors of this satanist. Watch & Pray as well share the msg of love in Christ to those who have not heard. Glory to God.

  27. What a nut.1 :Killing a human against its own will must be punished with 100y prison.

    2 : I wil use an opium derivate Nice go to sleep and never wake up.

    Does he realy thinks that an old sick person is intrested in a coaster ride before he/she dies?Or a baby with some terible illnes?And where it stands?Sick old ppl must travel far?No , its the most silly,stupid idea. Espected more from a german.They know how its done to well.Remember Zyclon-b?

  28. Brooksnow says:

    Don't go on that roller coaster he is trying to kill the human race!!!!!

  29. Well, if I was terminal, I sure as hell wouldn’t take a ride on this. Crazy.

  30. I think this is the sickest thing I’ve read these past few years.

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