Essiac Tea: 4 Secret Ingredients Said to Treat Thousands of Cancer Patients

Since the 1920’s, a renegade nurse treated thousands of cancer patients in Canada with a little known tea made up of just four simple ingredients – at least this is what some are claiming. By combining Burdock Root, Turkey Rhubarb (used in Chinese medicine to cleanse the colon), Sheep Sorrel (the whole plant including the root) and Slippery Elm (not yellow dock or curly dock as some companies now substitute the herbs in the formulas) Rene Caisse passed on a medicinal wonder which was said to have been passed to her from the Canadian Ojibwa Indians.
Caisse worked with cancer patients for decades, even enduring jail time due to her actions threatening Canadian drug companies. She was proving to be very successful in ‘treating’ cancer with her special tea. The drug companies charged people through the nose for their cancer treatments, but Nurse Caisse charged absolutely nothing.
Her treatments were, in fact, so successful that in 1938 when she was being punished for helping so many people, more than 55,000 supporters signed a petition to support her ongoing efforts. A bill was also presented in Ontario, which would have allowed Caisse to continue to practice ‘treating’ people, but it lost by only three signatures.
Her name spelled backwards is the name for this cancer-curing wonder, Essiac Tea. Her funeral was in 1978, and though she was once targeted for ‘practicing medicine without a license’, hundreds of cancer patients showed up at her funeral to show respects to the 90-year-old woman who saved their lives.
Read: Woman Uses Carrot Juice to Treat Stage 4 Cancer
Since Caisse’s time, the Chinese government has now tested Essiac tea extensively and now lists it as a cancer ‘medicine.’ The news of this herbal tonic has been quashed like many other natural remedies, by Big Pharma and drug companies who make huge profits off of people suffering from cancer.
Later, the Essiac tea recipe was expanded to include Blessed Thistle, Kelp, Red Clover and Watercress to make it even more potent.
Sheep sorrel, like so many other cancer-fighting plants, is also usually considered an unwanted weed. Caisse knew this was one of the most important ingredients from her advice given by her elderly Indian friend, and she even wrote a letter to Dr. Chester Stock of the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Institute, the world’s oldest and largest private anti-cancer establishment, trying to convince him of its efficacy.
Following is a recipe for the original formula. You can also reference books written on the topic or see your own naturopathic doctor to confirm if it is right for you or someone you love:
- 6 ½ cups of burdock root (cut)
- 1 pound of sheep sorrel herb powdered
- 1/4 pound of slippery elm bark powdered
- 1 ounce of Turkish rhubarb root powdered
Mix these ingredients thoroughly and sore in glass jar in dark dry cupboard.
Take a measuring cup, use 1 ounce of herb mixture to 32 ounces of water depending on the amount you want to make.
I use 1 cup of mixture to 8 x 32 = 256 ounces of water. Boil hard for 10 minutes (covered) then turn off heat but leave sitting on warm plate over night (covered).
In the morning heat steaming hot and let settle a few minutes, then strain through fine strainer into hot sterilized bottles and sit to cool. Store in dark cool cupboard. Must be refrigerated when opened. When near the last when its thick pour in a large jar and sit in frig overnight then pour off all you [can] without sediment.
This recipe must be followed exactly as written.
Use a granite preserving kettle (10 – 12 qts), 8 ounce measuring cup, and a small funnel to fill bottles.
Where on earth do you even get these ingredients? On the shelf next to eye of newt?
Try an Herbal Apothecary:
I have them already blended. Stephan Brown, Village Herbalist
In the forest…you know, that place with all the trees and plants. Which means you have to get off your ass and go get it but ya…thats where this stuff comes from. Where do you think most medicines come from?
@mr_bellows lol
Go to: Herbal healer dot com.
You can get this online at Swanson vitimans online. Both tea blend and the veggie caps
It can be ordered from canada it’s same stuff on Swanson vitimans
What do I do with the “cut” burdock root? It’s not a powder to sift together with the other powdered ingredients… Should I grind it into powder? Steep whole? ???
These ingredients can be found at your local Health food store. My moms makes this tea all the time. You can use the cut burdock root and then strain the tea next day after it is done.
What is the significance of the granite preserving kettle? Would not any pot do?
The only thing I found purchasing it at stores is the plants are dead you need live plants for the best results if the only results…
funny I was there in Bracebridge Ontario, when Essiac was created by Rene Casse and there are 2 main ingredients missing. Her family thought that they needed the money so they sold what they thought was the recipe for this cancer cure. ? Too bad they never paid enough attention to her and I when it was being made.
So what are they?
Sheep sorrel root is ideal –
Don’t depend on this to save your life. I know that it did not help a patient with lung cancer or another with prostate cancer. I am not knocking alternative cancer treatments, just saying that you need to try something else in addition to Essiac tea, if you want results.
I was diagnosed with stage two lung cancer. I had a 5mmx8mm tumor in my lower right lung. The only thing I did different in my life was to drink one glass of tea in the morning and one at night, I did not even stop my Tobacco use. The last CT scan I had before treatment started showed that the tumor had completely vanished. I am still cancer free to this day!
What are your Suggestions Sir ? I have personally observed more people and dogs healed not just with cancer but with other pathogenic diseases with this Essiac than any other natural products on the earth…
I have read of these cures for cancer:
1. Carrot juice, 5 pounds worth per day for at least 3 months. Research on mice indicates that the active component is falcarinol, not beta carotene, as some assume.
2. DCA (dichloroacetate), available from Canada, legal in the USA only for your pets.
3. AHCC (active hexose correlated compounds), a processed extract of Japanese medicinal mushrooms.
4. Gerson therapy, which includes carrot juice and coffee enemas.
5. Hypertherapy, elevating blood temperature, carefully using equipment designed for the purpose in Germany.
I have also read that the effectiveness of Essiac depends on how it is prepared. I tried some for prostate cancer, but it didn’t seem to have any effect. And then there is the statement from my doctor that one of her patients died after rejecting conventional therapy for lung cancer in favor of Essiac tea. It is possible that is it effective for you because you prepare it properly for your patients, but it is unreliable in the hands of someone depending on the Internet or online stores for advice.
Auniin, Hello: The Ojibway; The Keepers of the Faith of the Council of Three Fires.
I thank you in advance for your patience, and likewise apologize in advance, if i offend.
My uncles are Miidewin and so i am compelled to write this out of concern and obligation, i suppose. I do not know these people who are speaking for me and mine, but i offer this writing, as balance. “Caution” is the word here, for this recipe and the words that follow; please use intuitive discernment.
I will start by saying out loud…It is not the Ojibway who market “essiac” for profit. We firmly believe that to rely on a botanist or scientists to ascribe or describe the healing nature, or rather,
the usefulness of a plant in healing…will in all likelihood lead no where except to sickly people and many more lawsuits. There is a method in the harvesting of these medicinal plants that science will not grasp, and so the plant fails to affect healing. Despite the best of intention, science is unable to attribute a life force (ie Spirit) to any plant, rock or animal and so…they fail once again, to positively affect the “community”. In fact, they do more harm than good which in my humble opinion is a trademark for ‘contemporary science’ in most all its forms and actions. But if you prefer to place value on a Chinese scientist rather than those who created this medicine, that choice is
obviously, yours.
To begin the clarification; each item in the recipe is portioned according to the needs of the individual being treated. The recipe provided may not be effective in the portions described in the article above…for you specifically. It will be a matter of spending time with a Miidewin Healer so that they can determine ones ‘characteristics’ like average body temperature, digestive ability, heart condition, etc. I can say it is NOT a simple matter of mixing the items described in the portions described, for there to be success here. And so, taking each medicine individually or collectively may do little or nothing, for ones health, and may even be a path to dis-ease.
For those seeking to truly heal in the long term, we would say this article and the recipe specifically are incomplete and even dangerous should people chose to rely solely on these ‘half
truths’. The only viable method to acquire said treatment as far as i know, is to go to Lake of the Woods or the north western shores of Lake Gitchiigumii, and seek the elders (they have been waiting for many years now in ‘the spaces in between’); bring items like tobacco, blankets, food, clean water, money, land or whatever, to make in ‘fair trade’…and one can find ‘long term’ healing. I may be wrong about this and if so i would appreciate correction of my distortion in thinking, but as of yet i
have not found an actual ‘healing’ done with ‘essiac’, in contemporary times, using bottled medicine. Also, the bottled plants and the recipe in this article may be considered a preventative measure, as is Fasting, ‘Blue Clay”, and healthy eating but again the ’cause of’, ‘portions’ and ‘goals’ must be
assessed for there to be long term healing. It is unfortunate but some are told ‘it is too late’ and will not be given treatment because they are too far gone, or unable to see a truth about the path that led them to cancer; some cannot be healed because they cling to ‘anger’ so tightly, for example. For these, western medicine may be more effective. There are many types of cancers and each one and each person,needs to be assessed and treated as a whole person (body, mind and spirit) for ‘long term’ healing to be effective…period.
As for the medical establishment (and their masters) who point their fingers at the elders; they often forget there are three pointed right back at them. We see they are taking so much money from sorrowful or kind people and have been for over fifty years now, yet they still give only ‘chemo’ and ‘radiation’ in return. These treatments are limited and often do as much damage as the illness, but they are effective for certain people in need. It is hard for us to ‘truthfully assess’ this healing
method because of its minimal successes but yet, we see doctors of all types ‘dealing in drugs’ (untested, more often than not these days) and using human beings as test subjects and so, little to no progress is made at great expense and trust in the healer is lost. We to wonder why that In fifty years there has been such advances in technology (bombs) and medicine (Viagara) and yet preventative medicines and cures for breast and ovarian cancers and many other dis-eases, are still no where to be found. If they do announce them, only the rich can afford them or the insurance companies deny them.
“Disgusting conduct, for healers”, we often say.
These truths, or a certain truth as it relates to cancer, may be more discernible to a reader should they read the report by Samuel S Epstein. I can say that the medicines and treatments used daily here, are tested for thousands of years, at least you may rest assured about that. The elders who administer
healing receive a very specific training that spans decades, literally. They must learn “botany” and, be trained in every aspect of ‘the body’ for a healthy ‘upright human being’. We too have been victims of the ‘hypocrisy’ ourselves and so we empathize deeply; we remain more than willing to share by setting aside our histories and seeking a middle path where ALL find ‘ease in living’ and ‘propserity in the joys of life’.
In any case, i hope this clarifies. I must go answer to my uncles now, for sharing this information and my opions, without request or consent….doh 🙂 Be well. miigwetch. miniiwanigoshii benashii
I am interested in following the way to this healing of the Elders but I will need a little more direction than Lake of the Woods or the north western shores of Lake Gitchiigumii won’t I? Please inform me how to find them. Thanks, Cindy
Where are the references for all the claims made in the article? There are so many false, misleading and stretched claims in what was written. Show us the sources please.
Wow, this chick straight up copied and pasted this whole article and got paid. I bet she calls herself a writer.