1. Swifty Talouse says:

    The Drug War is a price support system for the black market.

    Large US banks launder hundreds of billions of dollars a year in illegal drug money and the Wall Street Journal has reported that the western banking system is addicted to drug money, for the purpose of liquidity.

    Our government works for the banks.

    They use our community as dumping grounds for artificially valuable, black market drugs, while the banks swim in a sea of illegal drug money.

    The Drug War is a scam.

    Legalize marijuana. Twenty million Americans arrested is enough.

    Give the control of hard drugs to doctors and manufacture them, for that purpose, by licensed companies operating on a non-profit basis.

    No hard drug profits, no black market in drugs in our communities.

  2. Never mind legalization.

    Cannabis is a plant and should be treated as one. One should be allowed to grow it as one does corn, flowers, your lawn.

  3. In addition to my negative opinions on drug users, I also feel negative about all the overweight Americans who, like the drug users, have no self respect or self control. Why do so many people find it difficult to make and enjoy a civilized life? Why do they choose to be slobs with no self discipline, and then expect others to pay for their self imposed medical problems? I can go but it is a waste of time because drug use and obesity fits in too well with the degraded disgusting American failed culture. Enjoy!

  4. The biggest problem of illegal drugs is the associated crime and violence. People with drug habits are a nusiance. Vicious Violent, Evil People willing to kill to do business are a problem.

    1. I agree, but I also think that American culture is in a state of decay and legalizing drugs will just create other problems, especially with young people and just shift the financial and social costs. The basic problem is the overall corruption of life in the US. Americans in general lack the intelligence, courage and morality to solve these problems.

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