1. Disturbing! Barbaric indeed and utterly phony science behind it!

  2. Anonymous says:

    need anymore proof that the system has gone insane?

  3. Thanks for exposing this Anthony.

    Sadly I know people who are doing this!

    1. Anonymous says:

      My sister did this. She had some cancer cells in one of her breasts & was advised to have the other one removed also, for prevention, so she did. No cancer in the family except our dad getting prostate cancer when he was 90.

      She also had a hysterectomy (not about cancer) & only needed to have her uterus removed but was advised to have her ovaries taken at the same time, for cancer prevention, of course. So she did.

  4. anonymous says:

    Unfortunately it is a prime example of sheeple just following what their doctor states & not looking up facts for themselves. "Well after all they went to college for this." family members statement.

  5. Starting in the early 1930s, removal of the male infant foreskin was promoted to eliminate the potential for developing penile cancer. It took six decades to debunk that myth, but some people still believe it today.

  6. Wile E Coyote says:

    This is not new. In america, doctors regularly convince–if not outright strong-arm–parents to consent to the barbaric removal of their sons’ foreskins (circumcision), purportedly to prevent penile cancer (notwithstanding the fact that penile cancer is the rarest form of cancer, penile cancer rates in Europe–where newborn sexual mutilation is almost unheard of–are lower than in america, and more babies die in botched circumcisions than there are deaths from penile cancer, but we don’t want the facts to get in the way of their agenda….)

  7. Wile E Coyote says:

    Now doctors claim that circumcision prevents urinary tract infections, HIV, STDs, etc., ad nauseum…

    But the truth is, the REAL reason why the quacks want every baby boy circumcised can be found in their driveway, their boat slip, their airplane hangar, or their vacation condo in the tropics. Sigh….

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