1. sugar is not the evil here. Gluttony of sugar is. People just do every thing in moderation please. Stop blaming the product. Sugar does not CAUSE diabetes. but it sure as heck is not good for you once you have it

    1. @BlackHercules says:

      Sugar triggers the gluttony and there are numerous studies proving it.

      1. I liked what Dr Robert Lustig MD had to say about sugar . I thank you for this BlackHercules. But I have a problem with some issues. Yes eat less sugar( granted I only saw the one video) that theres no alternative wonder if we can take LIpten? The whole FOOD INDUSTRY has gotten out of hand.You can't lose weight with corn syrup, its impossible. The Food Industry are making us sick. So why intellectually Food manufactures create and improve on the food? Its funny how the corrupt ones always ends up getting us in trouble for the crap they make in the first place.
        Why is it always boils down to the consumer that gets blamed of not changing. We are so prgram to believe that they are treating us carefully in our digestive naturalism . I do thank you for the important website and just hope that raising taxes and making more laws isn't going to change things. The FOOD Industreis are killing us for money greed and control.. I not venting on you personally, Im just saying it all is amazing the the tables turn and, we are the problem? Don't get it? PS I LOVE this website , it is so informative, specially on the GMO ordeal, thank you for that.

  2. Unrefined natural cane sugar cannot hurt you .coconut flower sugar ..natural sugar substitutes can come from the leaves of the salvia plant , educolorants from raw natural maple surop and natural fructose from pesticide free fruits are far better than refined sugars from cane ; sugars made from transgenetic beets ; high fructose corn surop ( made from gmo mais) ; or synthetic educolorants of the likes of sucralose aspartame or neotame

  3. ACupOfSugar says:

    Boy I read this and just want to rip my hair out.
    When is there ever going to be and honest discussion separate what is being termed or called sugar?
    Cane Sugar is not the same has HFCS, or sugar made with GMO’s or the sugars that change the Ammonia molecule (hello soda stream), or HONEY, etc. I ain’t even going to look all that up, I said it too many times, go search and learn the differences. You can’t borrow a “cup of HFCS from your neighbor” and when the corn is a GMO, you begin to see the true intent with the word-smithing propaganda, it’s not science, it’s fascism hiding truth for profit.
    As far as amounts of sugar, we are at an increase of factor of 200 times that of our ancestors. Our Great great grandparents had 200 times less. It’s increased over the years to what it is now. You can do the math how we all started eating so much, what’s on TV, what’s in the Cereal Isle? What is the government position on dangerous GMO, there ya go..
    But remember this kiddies before going drastic cold turkey or trying to remove sugar from blood, the body tries to maintain about a “teaspoon in your blood”, Reduce it by 2 and you will pass out and DIE, increase it by 2 and you’ll become diabetic, go into shock, and probably die.
    Honey is a better 1:1 sugar alternative. It is less sweet though, but has more good stuff. Good luck finding the real thing (another insanity), or even the Bees. I plant honeysuckle, it brings bees for my garden, but I don’t raise bees for the record.
    Hope ya post this..

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