1. Toby Hunter says:

    Try as they may….They can not remove the hate.

    1. Glorious_Cause says:

      What hate? The hate from leftists who won’t tolerate someone who has a different opinion than them?

  2. CfAcomeback says:

    I grew up on Stewart Ave. a short hop-skip and jump to the Dwarf House where the Chick-fil-A sandwich was invented in Hapeville, GA. That was the day when you could get a three or five piece barn to go, only one bun buttered and quartered. The chicken was succulent, with spices equal to flour thinly coating the meat so you could actually see the meat thru them. Now depending on the Zip Code of your restaurant the difference in quality of product is obvious. I have learned that the manager/partner has the freedom to get products from other sources (cheaper) thus the quality varies from one store to another. Could be GMO raised chicken or not, way more flour to spice ratio and then double dipped to give it a bigger appearance resulting in getting so much paprika and GMO flour that heart burn ensues for hours. I was lucky to have known Chick-fil-A in it’s greatness, now I just long for what it was as I can no longer eat there, as I have been diagnosed with cellulose poisoning. Cellulose (wood pulp) (pulp from GMO corn, soy) so saturated with Weed killer that it kills the natural microbial bacteria in your gut and you have to depend on yogurt to replace it, at which it fails to do. You just end up with bloating and gas. I remember Truitt Cathy taking my money at the register with that cute Chick-fil-A tie on, now in recent memory I remember getting sick. The products that have a label (salad dressing, sauce, etc.) have cellulose in the ingredients, also the coffee creamer is questionable without knowing the source of milk and sweetener.

  3. Glorious_Cause says:

    They didn’t ridicule anyone. The CEO simply expressed his opinion. Why are leftists so intolerant of other people’s opinions?

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