Cattle Now Being Fed Cookies and Candies Instead of Real Food

Just when you thought the news couldn’t get any stranger regarding the disturbing state of the agricultural industry, it most certainly has. In an effort to slash costs and increase profits, livestock corporations have now begun feeding their cattle super cheap processed foods like cookies, gummy worms, chocolate, fruit loops and a whole list of candies. Fattening up the cattle thanks to a large percentage of sugar content and no real nutritional value, the disease-riddled cattle end up fetching a larger price for farm owners.
The fruit loops-fed cattle also may end up on your dinner table, harboring even more dangerous additives than even cattle fed a diet of corn. Before accounting for the new diet of cookies and candy, conventionally raised cattle meat contains oftentimes an excessive amount of antibiotics (now admitted to be harming human health internationally), artificial hormones such as Monsanto’s cloned growth hormone rBGH, resistant bacteria, genetically modified organisms (from corn) and other contaminants. Now, however, a few new problematic substances have entered the equation.
Cattle on a Diet of MSG, High-Fructose Corn Syrup, and GMOs
It is important to understand that almost all corn in the United States is genetically modified. Therefore, the ‘traditional’ factory farm diet of corn or grain is certainly not a safe option. It is, however, arguably better than 100% processed junk food that contains not just genetically modified organisms but ingredients like:
- High-fructose corn syrup
- Hydrogenated oils
- Pesticides, herbicides, insecticides
- Acrylamides
- Artificial flavorings
- Artificial colorings
- Artificial sweeteners (like asapartame)
And many more. Each of these ingredients has of course been linked to a host of negative ailments ranging from cancer to cognitive disorders, however very few know the true dangers of such substances. High fructose corn syrup, for example, has been admitted to contain mercury — an element that is toxic in all forms. It is also important to note that the corn processed into high fructose corn syrup is, for the most part, always genetically modified. Such is also the case with aspartame, made from genetically modified bacteria waste. So now only are these cows being loaded up with processed food chemicals, mercury, and other additives, but they’re also still receiving GMOs.
Ice Cream Sprinkles As Food: “Anything that keeps the feed costs down.”
In other words, these cattle are being fed the typical American diet of processed foods containing GMOs, harmful additives, and zero real nutritional content. To give you a real life example, let’s examine one major dairy farmer who is literally feeding his cattle ice cream sprinkles. Dairy cattle owner Mike Yoder found a deal on ice cream sprinkles this summer, so he decided to go ahead and feed them to his cattle as their major food source. And as Yoder explains, it’s all about cutting costs — even if it means sacrificing your health:
“Anything that keeps the feed costs down.”
One candy producer, Brian Dill of Hansen Mueller, feels that it is justified feeding cattle chocolate, fruit loops, and ice cream sprinkles. According to Mueller, who markets the sale of chocolate to farmers as a way to cut costs, says that it really only comes down to ‘fat, sugar, and energy’. In other words, Mueller thinks it doesn’t matter what the cows eat. The only thing that matters to Mueller is that they get enough fat and sugar to maintain enough energy to be killed and shipped off to be eaten.
“That’s all it is,” he said.
The statements by this candy manufacturer rep and heads of the dairy cattle industry demonstrate the severe lack of care regarding the actual health of you and your family, the animals being fed these cheap processed foods, and the integrity of the environment. It also clearly shows that many such individuals are purely looking to increase profits, utilizing ‘anything’ that keeps costs down regardless of the price. In order to protect the health of you and your family, always remember to buy high quality organic. While 100% organic is the best along with locally grown market options, always look for the certified organic seal when purchasing food from a grocery store.
Awesome! That is the greatest thing I've ever heard! Now I know I'm actually eating dessert when I'm having my steak! I'll put some chocolate sauce on it next time, and some of those awesome yellow bananas.
HAHAHAHAHA <3 -see you in heaven!
I suggest everyone read the full report – it's interesting when you take excerpts from it, and change the context like you did, but you neglected to mention some very important reasons for their actions. I do not agree with what these animals are being fed, but having been a dairy farmer I also understand what troubles you face when there is a drought and you have no feed for your animals. As was stated in the original article, this is NOT common practice, but a result of searching for feed. If the animals had nothing to eat at all, I'm sure everyone would have some condemning words for the owners there too.
Slashing costs doesn't make it acceptable to feed cows cancer-causing junk.
I'm sure you also use growth hormones.
Disgusting! Thanks for bringing this to our attention, Anthony
Did they at least feed them candy corn?
Done, and done. Well played sir!
Let's be fair and correct here. First off the farmer usually doesn't have access to these surplus bulk foods, the livestock feeders use these surplus and waste food food products, not farmers. Which has the worst effect on the consumer, animals fed on surplus human food or GMO grain? In my opinion GMO grain will do us more harm than the waste human food. Also this human food has been fed for decades, it's edible, it can't be sold in the grocery store for some reason so it's prudent to put it to some use. If you want to improve the quality of food you eat do your part to get rid of GMO grain and get the Dept of Agriculture to offer more services to organic farmers. Actually consumers get what they insist on and are willing to pay for. Do you eat what's available or what you demand?
tis sold to the public? Where have the rules and laws of this country gone?I would like some answers,all of this is a bunch of garbage,our food our medecins,and our water,even our air that we that we take in every day is poluted.I am a ranchers daughter and we feed our stoch a healthy diet as well as our self.we are what we eat the same as our animals,where is our Humane society?Do they all have there heads in a sand hole.Who can we trust?We are aall being killed by allowing this to go on.We need to do something.The drouth sure shot a hole in my growing organic foof this summer,but i am still trying,
This post by the "cattle ranchers [sic] daughter" is nothing short of appalling for its illiteracy. There must be 20 mistakes in it! I have seen black people who actually write better than this!
Are you serious Frank?
Our life expectancy keeps increasing… I'm not concerned.
Frank, I can't believe how judgmental you are…how about paying attention to the content of her post, which is pretty good!
Gummy worms are made from boiled cattle bones; since prions are not destroyed by boiling, this means that the cattle are being fed mad cow prions, once again. And being made into cannibals…
I agree the world is very polluted, you are 100 percent correct. We all need to call the agencies involved in our food and water and air as well as our senators and congress representatives to stop this madness. If the 305 million or so people who inhabit the USA make the effort we will win this fight! I also wanted
to say that I have had good luck with the buble sprinklers for gardens, trees such as fruit trees and even for lawns. They use very little, and I mean very little water and I highly recommend them!