1. Denise Cummings says:

    Looking for info on Turmeric.

  2. Regarding the study that cancer patients should abstain from Carbohydrates(sugar) in order to starve cancer cells, what is one to eat to feed one’s healthy cells? Protein? Fat? This study really goes against the logic as to the function of the human cell. There is no seperation between cancer cells and normal cells as to their fuel source. Yes they both use carbohydrates. If you starve the cancer cells then you starve all your cells thus weakening your body even more. The way to inhibit cancer cell growth is to de-acidify the body by eating mostly raw fruits. Frustose is the simple sugar in fruits that cells can absorb without the use of insulin. There is no taxation of the pancreas such as trying to break down complex carbohydrates. Vegetables contain glucose which needs insulin carrier. If one’s system is already stressed then too much glucose can result in the formation of carbonic acid, thus acidifying the body more. Fruit is what the body needs when its in a healing crises.

    1. He is talking about the commercial beet sugar that is now GMO’s. There is a lot of sugar in genuine food (organic) that is not going to hurt.
      You can stay without sugar as I did because of a different disease. Not diabeties. I became a vegetarian, doctor’s order, no sugar naturally, no dairy (cow), no alcohol (wine) no oranges and all the related family, no vinegar.
      My body is not acidic, and I eat a lot of vegetables and fruits.

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