Black Tea Shown to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

Here is just one more reason to replace your unhealthy and sugar-laden beverages. A study recently published in the Archives of Internal Medicine has shown that black tea not only sparks no increase in blood pressure for people with hypertension, but it may actually have the ability to lower it.
Researchers who conducted the study examined the impact of three cups of black tea a day over a six month period. Study conductors from the University of Rochester Medical Center found that the black tea consumption caused a decrease in 2 to 3 millimeters of blood pressure ‘points’. This was the case for both systolic blood pressure as well as diastolic blood pressure.
Black Tea Shown to Have No Negative Effect on Blood Pressure and May Even Lower It
“We tell hypertensive patients so many things they have to do — the list is long — and we don’t want to be telling them stuff that just causes them frustration for no good…This finding suggests that we need not ask them to decrease their tea intake.”
The lowering in blood pressure sparked by black tea consumption may have to do with black tea making sure the thin layer of cells that lines the inner parts of blood vessels, known as the endothelial layer, is not injured. With the protection of the endothelial layer, things like cholesterol are unable to pierce through the wall of the blood vessel and build up.
This information doesn’t show that black tea has a significant positive impact on blood pressure, but it does show that people shouldn’t be worried about drinking it, as it at the very least has no negative impact. Of course there are many other methods to successfully lowering blood pressure without the use of pharmaceuticals.
Research has pointed out that vitamin D can be an effective solution to lower blood pressure, promote vascular health by helping blood vessels, and contribute to healthy arteries.  Vitamin D beats the pharmaceuticals, and doesn’t come with any harsh or nasty side-effects. It is also extremely easy to attain through combining sunlight exposure with diet.
One other method for lowering blood pressure is to consume coconut water. Coconut water is not only a viable natural solution to lowering your blood pressure, but it is also delicious. One study has shown the benefits of this natural heart helper. Amazingly, coconut water was found to lower the blood pressure of 71% of study participants.
This isn't enough to be interesting. Now if you could combine it with a whole plan, maybe it would be worth noting. Science reporting always tries to jazz you along, and when you actually read it, you're there because of a misleading headline.
Thank you, always looking for natural alternatives.
For the non rascists out there high blood pressure is easily cured in 2 weeks. 1 daily glass of warm water with a tablespoon of marijuana (harvested at the right time as MJ cures differnt things at different stages of growth)and a tablespoon of wood ash.Drink
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