1. this is amazing and i actually knew some what of this, i watched a movie what the bleep down the rabit hole and its was about quantum physics, they talked about having different frozen water and different emotions with each study, the water froze differently depending on the emotions it was held to it, so with that being said i think ima bless and pray over my water now 🙂 amen

  2. Wow, I went tho a therapist that introduced me to Dr. Emoto’s research and it blew me away! He had this book with hundreds of these frozen slides of water that were in different forms crystallized. The ones that had "nice" energy put towards them were beautiful. The ones that had "negative" energy put towards them were very ugly and sometimes a little scary looking.

    I couldn't believe my own eyes. There is so much that we don't know about the universe around us, yet we have a very snobby and closed minded elite that is almost "priest like" in their authority over what the population should believe.

    I prefer to think for myself and go with what works…

  3. Gregoria L. Damato says:

    As for water, I like the purifiers that does not use substance like fluoride to distill safe drinking water. Ionization as well as layers of specialized filter will kill microbes. Water is the best natural healing agent for a lot of ailments.

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