1. starviego says:

    “other forces and sometimes hidden influences”

    To get the shrink drugs, you need to see a shrink. Which means almost all the whack shooters have been mentally ‘treated’ at some point. And though everybody asks “why” after one of these events, the shrinks always manage to escape any scrutiny at all.

    If there is mind control involved, what better cover than as the shooter’s psychiatrist?

  2. Mental health is the avenue to gun control..
    It was used to confiscate guns in Eastern Europe prior to WWII..

    American Psychiatric Asso: Half of Americans are mentally

    After crafting by politicians and Media all will be crazy
    except for them..

    300 million prescriptions for psychiatric drugs were
    written in 2009 alone..

    Your children on medication for ADHD?

    Single woman with children diagnosed with

    Be careful what you ask for…….

  3. Mental health is the avenue to gun control..
    It was used to confiscate guns in Eastern Europe prior to WWII..

    American Psychiatric Asso: Half of Americans are mentally

    After crafting by politicians and Media all will be crazy
    except for them..

    300 million prescriptions for psychiatric drugs were
    written in 2009 alone..

    Your children on medication for ADHD?

    Single woman with children diagnosed with

    Be careful what you ask for…….

  4. I was once given a tricyclic antidepressant. The amount of anger and downright rage I felt was unbelievable–and the effects lasted long after I stopped taking them. They knock something in your brain out of balance and they also change the structure of the brain, meaning some effects are permanent. Decades after I stopped taking these drugs, I have never returned to baseline. And no, it was not the depression. I went through one bout of depression that was untreated and I did not experience this at all. I wish to heaven I had never taken these drugs but i was young, vulnerable, and trusted a psychiatrist.

    Psychiatric drugs are not the only choice for treating mental illness. Unless someone is violent or suicidal, my belief is that there is no reason to prescribe them.

    Other choices exist. Exercise helps 60% of people. Its effectiveness is exaggerated, in my view, but some people benefit. The effectiveness of exercise depends on genes: many people benefit a great deal, some not at all.

    Also, going off sugar, refined grains, and chemicals and switching to a diet of whole grains, fish, and vegetables is useful too. Avoid caffeine and artificial sweeteners like aspartame, which can cause depression. Some people with severe psychiatric disorders benefit by removing gluten from the diet.

    Minimize computer time and exposure to electromagnetic fields and wireless radiation–put the router on a timer. Depressed people, unlike others, are sensitive to EMFs and should not spend all day in front of a computer. Energy-saving appliances emit more EMFs as well.

    In short, the choice is not between drugs and doing nothing. You can do many things.

    One of the ironies of this whole situation is that street drugs can result in life sentences while psychiatrists peddling these life-destroying “medications” are well-paid and respected members of the community. Such is the power of money.

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