1. If twenty years ago, someone had told me that people would be easily persuaded to chop off parts of their body, I'd have laughed myself stupid. It's beyond belief that any woman (or man) would voluntarily mutilate themselves, to avoid the possibility of a disease….and yet here we have celebrities doing precisely that. Presumably thousands, maybe millions, of equally brainless people will copy their heroes and heroines and chop off various bits of themselves, despite those bits still being healthy. Any doctor who permits and endorses this kind of self-mutilation must be retarded.
    There are many cases where the removal of limbs and other parts is unavoidable because they are already diseased and threaten the life of the person…..but destroying healthy tissue? The PTB really are holding full sway over people's dozy little minds, aren't they?

    1. Robert Park says:

      Don't forget the ancient and religious puerility of circumcision?

      1. omg…although I believe that circumcision was itself a misunderstood concept construed by sick males on this planet at the behest of their lesser god, I can't believe you're actually comparing removing body parts to circumcision!

    2. It's complete insanity. By the way turns out there is a company claiming they have a patent on the BRACA -1 gene (which is even more insane). So if you want to be tested to see if you have this gene or not, a test that would normally cast about $100.00, costs over 3,000 dollars instead becasue you have to pay a fee to the company!!! I forget thier name, but apparently the Surpreme Court will be ruling on this in the next couple of weeks. This is worse than Monsanto-iIf the Surpreme Court decides it's lawful for cooperations to patten& own the genes we were born. You can see how dangerous this is. If they can patten and own our genes, then they can patten a woman's eggs, or an eye color. PAY THE FEE!

  2. This approach is not new. Circumcision is sold as a way to prevent AIDS, for one example.

  3. What they're not seeing is that if they are going to get cancer, they will get it. If they don't see one body part, they'll just go to another body part. If your body is being poisoned to the point it's going to develop cancer, it will just be somewhere else. But of course, she won't get breast cancer! She'll just get like colon cancer. Of course, she could always preremove her colon. Which of course would just mean it would go to her stomach. So let's go ahead and take out the stomach too! What are these people THINKING??? And it's true! Nothing at all is done about the poisons we get and eat that cause the cancer in the first place. This is all truly mindboggling! (Of course, so is trying to figure out all the poisons we need to avoid, in this day and age that encourages poisons if they make someone a buck or two!)

    1. The safest approach is to avoid anything that has a label… or any connection to the government, FDA, Medical industry, Pharmaceutical industry, plastics, water, IRS, Federal reserve, etc, etc…I know this quiet little place in Greenland…

  4. John Coelho says:

    Birth control pills are supposed to be bad news also.

    1. Robert Park says:

      Hardly, if they control the relentless expansion of the global population.

      1. They're working on that but it has nothing to do with birth control pills. Gotta get your money first – then kill ya!

  5. jumama888 says:

    I saw this announced as if it was a miracle the last 2 days and logic told me that there was something not adding up. I was waiting for something to come up such as this article. Thanks !

  6. Last night a news report said that the 'Affordable Care Act' (Obamacare) will pay for this type of Mastectomy in high cancer risk women and pay for the reconstructive surgery too.
    Jolie works with the cancer society promoting this, for profit of course.

  7. Ronald Smith says:

    Talk about going Full Retard. Perhaps this is her way of slowly helping Brad to “come out”?

  8. Robert Park says:

    An intelligent woman but lacking seriously in perception.

  9. I find it interesting that Angelina Jolie didn't also remove her uterus, her mom died of uterine cancer not breast cancer. So if Angelina has a 87 % chance of breast cancer and a 50% chance of uterine cancer and she is foolish enough to have her breasts removed, she should of had the uterus removed also to "ensure" she has no cancer in the future. But as we know having your uterus removed is a "biggie" as that turns a woman old and fast, hormone treatment not withstanding. Further Angelina was a self mutilator ie a cutter when she was in her teens and early twenties as well as involved in the act of shooting heroin, which she has all discussed at length and added that she also has had an eating disorder ( anorexia) on and off since she was a teen. So the big picture is that she has been a self mutilator from an early age and continues to do so. Further she likes the sympathy and attention involved in being a self mutilator but only if she can still be young and beautiful while she mutilates. Having her uterus removed would change all that, so she continues on her marry way mutilating herself in one way or another, as a somewhat tragic "young star." I am very alarmed that people look up to such a person, further that young girls think that Angelina
    knows what she is doing and can "lead" them in their decisions. Lastly she is a hypocrite as she has a daughter named Georgia May Jagger who she has not acknowledged as she was married to Johnny Lee Miller when she and Mick Jagger (who was married to Jerry Hall at the time) had an affair and produced one if not two children with him who Jerry Hall raised as her own. Is Angelina going to tell this innocent girl who is now becoming a big modeling star that she potentially has the cancer gene? I doubt it as she has never acknowledged that she even exists. As a said it's all about attention and sympathy for Angelina.
    Lastly would a man have his prostate removed because he may get cancer, most men would say no way as it stops them from having erections!

    1. Maybe she should have her brain removed, too, to avoid getting a malignant brain tumour.

  10. Leonie McLoughlin says:

    i understand why she did it ,but it does seem a rather extreme measure. This does not get rid of cancer all together, we need to look at nutrient deficiceies in the body and toxins.

  11. i guess only comments that drink to the koolaid on this site are allowed. What a shame.

  12. Note that this preventative mutilation is only being done to WOMEN. Nobody’s telling men to have their prostate removed as prophylaxis for prostate cancer, are they? First Guardasil to prevent HPV in girls too young to be having sex, then this?
    I double checked & some of the stories say Marcheline died of uterine cancer, some say ovarian cancer — but NONE say breast cancer. Yet Holie chose to slice off her breasts rather than remove her uterus & ovaries…? And I think Carol’s spot-on that her fear of losing her looks to early menopause was the reason behind her choice. I’m not a fan, so I have no sympathy her for letting a doctor talk her into removing non-cancerous body parts as a preventative measure. I just hope Brad tried his best to dissuade her.
    But c’mon, don’t they teach biology in h.s. anymore? Don’t kids learn that every gene in your body is NOT going to click on & express itself during your lifetime?
    What strikes me as odd is that they still haven’t married despite claiming their kids were begging them to. But now that she’s let herself be mutilated, married or not, Brad can NEVER dump her without takign a huge PR hit.
    I’m literally sick to my stomach that the press is holding her out as a hero & promoting this prophylactic mastectomy madness. Isn’t there a single doctor in America willing to speak out against this?

  13. Myster Hommo says:

    I say amputate my rectum so then the Country and or Western doctors can kiss it!!!

  14. Myster Hommo says:

    This is the same girl that had a Billy Bob tattoo…Can somebody say psycho???

  15. anonymous says:

    Tommy Chong has just come out lately – Cannabis, pure diet, alternative therapies cured him from cancer.
    Don’t listen to the advice of any programmed “celebrities.” Or you’ll end up dead or disfigured.
    BRAC1 = Big Pharma propaganda. And even if they removed the breasts,
    the cancer still would not be gone. It moves into other parts of the body and organs.
    And,Cancer IS curable.
    Breast removal is ARCHAIC. It will go the way of a lobotomy.
    Tommy Chong Beats Prostate Cancer with Hemp Oil and Proper Diet http://www.wakingtimes.com/2013/05/15/tommy-chong

    1. Tommy Chong does have a point and is based on facts. I guess you could say the rest is "Up in Smoke" right.

  16. Carolyn Duckering says:

    Hollywood has influenced people ever since movies have been made. First in fashions, style,actions and lifestyles.
    We were warned by our parents and leaders not to allow Hollywood to influence our lives. I GUESS THEY WERE RIGHT, HUH?

  17. You clearly have no education in biology or medicine. The studies you cite are talking about transcriptional changes that can be influenced by nutrition. Undoubtedly this is truer than people had realized in the past. Nutrition plays a much larger role in maintaining healthy gene expression patterns than was previously recognized.
    However, the issue with germline mutations (the ones that are inherited and found in every cell from the moment of birth) is completely separate from the issues the cited studies address. It is not an issue of transcriptional levels, since the protein is non-functional. Angelina Jolie had one of these in a gene called BRCA1, and it's that gene's job to prevent mutation in the germline. People that have mutations like these are playing with a weak hand to begin with, and so they are predisposed to develop mutations that give rise to tumors. Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women, largely because it is a hormone responsive tissue that is easily thrown out of homeostasis. Could proper nutrition slow the rate of mutation? Probably, but it's not going to stop it, and when you draw the short straw for a gene like BRCA1, sometimes safe is better than sorry.

  18. James L Farmer says:

    Getting healthy breast surgically removed to prevent cancer is like , killing yourself before the thunderstorm gets to your house , so you don’t die from a tornado .

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