Aloe Vera: Effective Preventative Medicine for Cancer

The term angiogenesis is one every cancer patient should be familiar with. Even those who don’t yet have cancer but want to avoid getting the disease should familiarize themselves with the term. Angiogenesis is the production of new blood vessels that feed cancerous tumors. Without new blood vessels, cancer cells, and therefore cancerous tumors, cannot live.
Fortunately, there are ways to inhibit the creation of new blood vessels that feed cancerous cells, and one of them is simply the use of Aloe Vera gel.
Laboratory studies conducted on test tube cancer cells as well as cancerous cells in animals concluded that the active substances in Aloe Vera leaves, the very same plant that Hawaiians have used for centuries to treat skin conditions and to boost immunity, are also very effective at prohibiting angiogenesis in cancerous cells.
You may already know that Aloe has healing properties for sunburns, and even acne, and that it reduces inflammation in burns or insect bites, but it is also an important preventative medicine for cancer. Some combine honey, Aloe Vera leaves, and gin to make a home remedy, but laboratory tests show that simply consuming Aloe Vera leaf helps to heal lung cancer, as evidenced in studies referenced by Mayo Clinic.
In addition to lung cancer, aloe vera has been shown to help prevent skin cancer. Researchers from the University of Belgrade School of Medicine confirmed that the constituents in aloe vera stops proliferation of cells that accompanies skin cancer. With skin cancer, cells proliferate (or multiple rapidly) as skin tumors develop. To stop this cell growth, you can stop the tumors from developing.
Case Adams, Naturopath from GreenMedInfo reports:
The gel of the Aloe leaf and its other plant parts contain many constituents outside of those tested in these studies, including quercetin, luteolin, apigenin, kaempferol, isoorientin, isovitexin, saponarin, lutonarin, chlorogenic acid, pectic acid, caffeic acid, 5-P-coumaroylquinic acid, caffeoylshikimic acid, feruloylquinic acid, coumaric acid, ferulic acid, as well as glycosylchromone aloeresin B, and aloin, which is a precursor to Aloe-emodin.
The health benefits of aloe vera truly are amazing – don’t hesitate to read up on the many benefits of the plant and keep one in your home.
You can follow the recipe in this informative video for using Aloe Vera for cancer prevention. You can also harvest your own gel to consume, or apply topically to wounds or regularly for absorption through the skin, although oral intake of Aloe Vera is the only proven way to prevent some cancers as of the date of this writing.
I purchase a highly concentrated powerful powder product that is all aloe vera powder – tasteless and goes into anything one eats — and the amazing coconut oil – sautee anything in it and the LDL drops like a rock – no rx needed at all (and no nasty side effects like with statins–which do not work on females to begin with)
What is the name of the Aloe Vera powder. I make lots of shakes. Also the raw leaf is hard to deal with.
Thanks, I’ll do that.
catbell7cat, I sent you my email a few days ago and haven’t heard anything. My email is
Aloe vera is a great plant which has wide medicinal values, which can be used as beauty products such as in soaps and shampoos. Aloe Vera herbal products are prepared as aloe vera juice which gives relief from stomach related problems, ulcers etc.